Thank-you Faith Covenant and Ceresco Covenant!

HomePageHeaderChurchWe just want to give a big THANK-YOU to Pastor Jim and Karen Ressigue and Faith Covenant Church of Essex, IA and also Pastor Jodi and Ben Moore of Ceresco Covenant Church of Ceresco, NE.  It was wonderful to be with you all this past week!  You all have been some of our most supportive and caring congregations that have been our ministry partners over the years of ministry in Ecuador!  Thank you for the opportunity to be with you all this past week!  We felt the love and support like we have always felt from you all!  God bless!


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New Updated Ministry Calendar

  • September 22: Northwest Covenant Church, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • September 29: New Hope Church, Richland, MI
  • October 20: Pleasant View Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN (Missions Night service)
  • November 3: St. John’s Church, Millsersburg, OH
  • November 24: New Harvest Christian Church, Oregon, OH

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A traveling we will go…

airplane-takeoffWe’ll be taking off this week as our travels take us to Nebraska and Iowa.  We are very excited to be visiting a couple of our long-time supporting churches when we go to visit Faith Covenant Church of Essex, IA and the Evangelical Covenant Church of Ceresco, NE.  Besides time with our home church, Northwest Covenant, and Trinity United Methodist, the two churches we are visiting this week are the only churches that we visited before we left for Ecuador in 2010 and they both have been supporting us ever since.  Their pastors, Jim Ressigue and Jodi Moore, were both Seminary classmates with Joel and we consider them and their spouses very good friends, so we are very much looking forward to time with them this week.


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Picture Highlight of Simeon’s Summer in the States

Enjoying an Oreo ice cream sandwich.

Enjoying an Oreo ice cream sandwich. 

Chuck E. Cheese for his birthday.
Chuck E. Cheese for his birthday. 

He loves playgrounds in the States!
He loves playgrounds in the States! 

He likes mowing.
He likes mowing. 

He loves this kind of mowing.
He loves this kind of mowing. 

The bigger tractor the better.
The bigger tractor the better. 

His first rollercoaster.
His first roller coaster. 

He finally got to drive.
He finally got to drive.

Trying to scratch a seal's belly.
Trying to scratch a seal’s belly.

His first baseball game.
His first baseball game.

He loved the the hot dogs at the game.
He loved the the hot dogs at the game. 

Fishing is now his favorite sport!
Fishing is now his favorite sport!












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Updated Ministry Calendar

  • August 23: Faith Covenant Church, Essex, IA
  • August 25: Evangelical Covenant Church, Ceresco, NE
  • September 22: Northwest Covenant Church, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • September 29: New Hope Church, Richland, MI
  • October 20: Pleasant View Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN (Missions Night service)
  • November 3: St. John’s Church, Millsersburg, OH
  • November 24: New Harvest Christian Church, Oregon, OH

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Thank you ECC Donaldson!!!

DonaldsonWe want to give a shout out to the Evangelical Covenant Church in Donaldson, IN for their recent invitation and hospitality.  Safe to say we felt instantly at home with our visit and had a great time with you all!  We were with them for two weeks, Joel preached the first Sunday and we shared during the second.  We just really, really appreciated your invitation and the time we had together.  May God bless you all as you go forward in ministry.


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Thanks New Harvest!!!

New Harvest Christian Church of Oregon, OH recently made a Mission Bulletin Board for us.  We will be visiting them in late November.  Pretty neat, eh? (Click on the picture to expand it)


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Come to the Table


I (Joel) had the opportunity to preach and lead communion this past Sunday at the Evangelical Covenant Church in Donaldson, IN.  It was a lot of fun!  I hadn’t had the opportunity to lead communion for quite some time so it was nice.  In planning and leading communion, I was able to review the Communion Liturgy that is in the Covenant Book of Worship.  I really appreciate it and was refreshed by going over it and leading a community of faith in it this past Sunday.

So much of what our world tells us these days is that we have to be perfect.  We have to have it all together.   We have to look perfect, we act perfect, we have to have the perfect job, the perfect spouse, the perfect kids and we have to do all the right things.  This kind of cultural problem invades the church also when we feel like we always need to have a smile on our face and look like we’ve got everything under control.

Now, please know that I am not trying to make a criticism here.  It’s just a reality of the world today.

Enter, the table.  The grace that is bestowed upon us from Jesus Christ though the sacrament of communion is like nothing else.  We don’t have to come to the table with things all in order.  We don’t have to have it all together.  We don’t have to be perfect.

Here’s the liturgy that I used this past Sunday for communion taken from the Covenant Book of Worship:

It is now our sacred privilege to celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.  All who humbly put their trust in Christ and desire His help that they may lead a holy life; all that are truly penitent for their sins and would be delivered from them; all that walk in love with their neighbors and intend to live a new life, following the commandments of God and walking from henceforth in His holy ways, are invited to draw near with faith and to take this holy sacrament. 

Come to the table, not because you must, but because you may.  Come to testify, not that you are righteous, but that you sincerely love our Lord Jesus Christ and desire to be his true disciple.  Come not because you are strong, but because you are weak and that you stand in constant need of God’s mercy and help.  Come not to express an opinion, but to seek God’s presence and pray for the Spirit.

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Updated Ministry Calendar

  • August 4: Evangelical Covenant Church, Donaldson, IN (Joel preaching)
  • August 11: Evangelical Covenant Church, Donaldson, IN & Pleasant View Mennonite Church Youth Group, Goshen, IN
  • August 23: Faith Covenant Church, Essex, IA
  • August 25: Evangelical Covenant Church, Ceresco, NE
  • September 22: Northwest Covenant Church, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • September 29: New Hope Church, Richland, MI
  • October 20: Pleasant View Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN (Missions Night service)
  • November 3: St. John’s Church, Millsersburg, OH
  • November 24: New Harvest Christian Church, Oregon, OH

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Daily Prayer Request

And this is the boldness we have in him, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests made of him.  – 1 John 5:14-15

We have a BIG prayer request for you all.  We would like to ask you, our supporters, to pray for us specifically and intentionally daily between now and the end of the year 2013.  We are moving into the period of our Home Assignment where we need to have a large wave of financial support come in between now and the end of the year so that we can head back to Ecuador when we are planning in February of 2014.  In order to return in February, we need to be 100% funded and we are currently at 58% officially.  In reality, we actually aren’t as far away as it may sound; we have quite a few verbal commitments that aren’t included in that percentage.  As we always say, it is the monthly support commitments that are most important as Long-term Missionaries; however we will be allowed to return once we show that we can demonstrate that we have a continued, sustained 100% support level over a several month period.  In order to do this, both monthly commitment gifts and one-time gifts are counted so that is to say that every kind of financial gift matters a great deal for our return to Ecuador.

In times when we feel down and feel like we are up against impossible odds, we are reminded from Scripture that anything is possible with God and through your prayers we can accomplish what is seemingly impossible. So, at this time and going forward until the end of the year, we would like to ask that those of you who pray for us regularly could please pray daily for a large wave of support to come in starting in the month of August through December 2013.  Thank you so much for your faithful commitment to us and our ministry and for your prayers!

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.   – Romans 8:26-28

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