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Monthly Archives: April 2012

Experiencing the Quechua District

We returned this Friday afternoon after experiencing the Quechua district here in Ecuador.  I (Kim) have heard so much about the Quechua district, but never have experienced it myself.  Joel has visited many Quechua churches, but always without Simeon or …

Categories: Field Study, Ministry, Travel | Tags: , , | 1 Comment

Trip to the Coast (Manta and Montecristi)

We returned last evening from our trip to the Northern Coastal district including Manta and Montecristi.  It was VERY different there-super hot and pretty buggy, which is very different from Quito-we don’t really have any bugs here!  But, enough about …

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For the Northwest Covenant 2011 Team…Picture updates of Iglesia Divino Pastor

This past week we were in Ibarra, north of Quito.  This is the area where our home church Northwest Covenant in Mt. Prospect, IL went last summer with the youth mission team.  We were able to accompany them during this …

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Weekly Travel Schedule

Just thought we would share our weekly travel schedule for the week of April 17-22…

We will be leaving for the Northern Coastal area of Ecuador, specifically the area of Manabi.  We will be having meetings for the field study …

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Congratulations Senor President!

Just thought we would add a quick note to let you all know that on Friday (April 13) there was a meeting of the new camp committee and Joel was (reluctantly on his part) elected to be the new president …

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Visit to Ibarra and the North District of Ecuador

We returned on Wednesday late at night from a couple day visit to the North District of Ecuador.  This visit included trips to San Gabriel (close to the Colombian border), Ibarra, and 2 indigenous churches in Zuleta and Pungo Huayco.  …

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Happy Easter!!!


He has risen!!  He has risen indeed!!!  Happy Easter from Ecuador!

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Field Study Traveling — The North District

We’ll be leaving on Monday for the Ibarra area (up North) we’re we’ll be doing our second visit in the Field Study for the Center for At Risk Children and Medical Clinic.  We should be returning late on Thursday.  Please …

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Quito’s Good Friday Procession

We had an amazing cultural experience yesterday, Good Friday, going to Quito’s Good Friday Procession.  We didn’t have the chance to go last year and we had heard so much about it that we decided that we couldn’t pass it …

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Thank You Knollbrook Covenant Church

We received quite the wonderful little blessing from Knollbrook Covenant Church in Fargo, ND, their Missions Commission and the Burrows family.  The Burrows, pictured left, came down to Quito over Easter break to visit their daughter, Katie, who works at …

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