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Living amidst the Unpacked Suitcases

Transition feels a lot like grief sometimes.  Maybe it is because, at least in my experience in transitions, grief holds a lot of space. Transition is not a one-size-fits-all experience.  Each person feels it and lives it differently than another. 

Categories: Family Fun, Home, Home Assignment, Ministry Assignment, Prayer Requests, Reflections | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

Do you want to connect?

This is our time to connect with you.  We are beginning our 1-year of Ministry Assignmment (formerly known as Home Assignment) where we connect with our supporters and our supporting churches.  We have had a busy transition since landing in

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Case Study: The Santiago Partnership


Recently, a group of Wheaton College graduate students completed a Case Study on the Santiago Partnership.  Click this link to read the case study:

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Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Home, Medical Caravan, Ministry, Reflections, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

One-Year Ministry Assigment (formerly Home Assigment)

For those of you who maybe have not heard yet, we will be moving to the U.S. in June of this year for our 1-year Ministry Assignment (formerly known as “Home Assignment”) where we will be visiting our supporting churches

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Culture Shock in the Vitamin Aisle

In the mission world, we talk about culture shock a lot.  You have probably heard people talk about it, people who have been overseas for a while, or maybe not even that long and then go back to their passport …

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Celebrating Christmas in Cayambe!

Yesterday, we celebrated the staff in Cayambe and the children in the Home for At Risk Children with a Christmas dinner.  It was a beautiful night filled with delicious food, small performances put on by the kids in the Home,

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Constructing a Women’s Artisan Studio

For the Santiago Partnership in the end-of-year, we are starting a new initiative to construct a Women’s Artistan Studio to allow women who are the victims of domestic abuse break free from violence by starting a micro-enterprise of Jewelry Making. 

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Construction, Home, Ministry, self-sustainability, Updates | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment


We had a fun Thanksgiving this year as we invited a lot of our friends over, twenty-two to be exact.  People got to experience a lot of delicious American dishes and then we played cards afterwards.  When we aren’t able

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Thank you New Community Covenant Church of Bronzeville, Chicago

We recently had a visit from one of our long term supporting churches, New Community Covenant Church of Chicago. They have been one of our supporting churches (of the Delp Family) since 2014 but just this year, they have made

Categories: Cayambe, Ephraim, Esther, Family Fun, Home, Ministry, self-sustainability, Simeon, Travel, Updates, Volunteers | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Support the Delps on Giving Tuesday and the End-of-Year

As we are missionaries with the Evangelical Covenant Church, there are three options to support the Delps and Ecuador this year:


1. We are hoping and praying to be able to go on sabbatical over the Summer, June –

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