Happy New Year!
As we close out 2024 as a family here in Romeoville, we are just filled with such a deep sense of peace and gratitude for so many blessings in 2024. Whether it be a joy filled sense of gratitude for our amazing staff in Cayambe, all of the support from family and friends in our transition from Ecuador and to the States or all of the wonderful new begginings with our lives here in the U.S, we just know God has been the center of it all and so we give Him all the praise, glory and honor! We especially thank Him for healing Kim from skin cancer earlier this year.
Additionally, we just want to give you all a big THANK YOU because you have been an instrument of God and his goodness toward us. Thank you for all of your support, care and love in 2024! We can’t thank you enough!!
Here is our end-of-year newsletter in case you hadn’t seen it yet:
Delp Family Christmas Newsletter 2024
We also recorded this video update around Thanksgiving time:
Here is where you can learn about and give to the Santiago Partnership’s end-of-year campaign: 10 Years of Impact
And as always, you can also give to support the Delp Family and our ministry through the Evangelical Covenant church: Our Support
Thank you so much for who you are what you all you have done in 2024!