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The Prodigal Son – No Story Book Ending

Luke 15:11-32 (New International Version, ©2011)

The Parable of the Lost Son

 11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So
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The Rocha Family


The camp in Santo Domingo where Joel has been working and where the family has been visiting could not run without the Rocha family.  They keep this place going and take care of the visitors that come.  Rueben with …

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The National Assembly

This past weekend we went back to Santo Domingo, but this time it wasn’t for the direct work that Joel has been doing.  This last weekend was IPEE’s (The Evangelical Covenant Church of Ecuador) Asamblea Nacional or “National Assembly”.  It …

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The Roof 80% Complete

Here are some pictures of the main pavilion in the camp in Santo Domingo.  We are now about 80% complete.  Looking pretty good, huh?





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Out of Reach

Hello all!  Just a quick note to let you all know that we are out of reach again this week.  Joel is in Santo Domingo again and Kim and Simeon are staying with our babysitter Martita and her family this …

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Pictures of Santo Domingo

We just wanted to give a pictorial update of the progress of the Covenant Camp in Santo Domingo:

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Ministry Update

Here is a recent newsletter update that we sent out to Northwest Covenant Church in Mt. Prospect, IL and just thought everyone might be interested in reading:

“Our first month being back home in Ecuador has been an eventful one.  …

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In Santo Domingo

We made it to Santo Domingo safe and sound.  Thank you for your prayers!!  We just stopped by at an Internet Cafe so we could let you all know.

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Being Unreachable

We just wanted to update and let everyone know that the next couple of weeks (until February 19th) while we are traveling to Santo Domingo, we will be somewhat unreachable.  Where the camp is located there are no land line …

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Joel’s Role in Santo Domingo

I (Joel) just wanted to provide a little bit more information as to my role in Santo Domingo.

First off, I just wanted to explain that IPEE (the Covenant National Church or Ecuador) has laid out the next 6 months …

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