Community Development

‘Kenya Women Building Sustainable Communities’

Post a Comment » Written on September 9th, 2013     
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Regina left home after 6th grade. Her father was planning to marry her off to an elderly man, without Regina’s consent. The dowry her father would have received amounted to several heads of cattle, the price for a child bride. …

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Benefits of Health Centers

Post a Comment » Written on September 4th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development

maria ssudan world reliefBelow, one mother in South Sudan, Maria, shares her story of taking her child to a new health center. For many years, Maria’s community has been living in tension. Government instability and conflict between North Sudan the new country of

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A New Way to Walk

Post a Comment » Written on September 2nd, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development

haiti girlRosemann, now 5 years old, was born with hemimelia (absence of part of her lower leg), a condition requiring prosthesis intervention with or without amputation. Fortunately, her mother is very engaged with her and determined for her to live as …

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Inspiring Children and New Parents

Post a Comment » Written on August 27th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development

classroomThe Covenant Church of Colombia is helping to build better futures for children and new parents. Community members helped to turn a neighborhood building into an early education center where young children gather to learn while their parents are at …

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Fishing for Bright Futures

1 Comment » Written on August 26th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development
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IMG_1529Every three months, community members in Northern Thailand harvest red tilapia fish. These fish are then divided into three size categories and supplied to fish farmers. The largest fish are sold to cage fish farmers, mostly located on the Ping …

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