Community Development

Partnering with Water 1st in Honduras

Post a Comment » Written on December 4th, 2013     
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Water: It seems so basic. I don’t know how much water I go through in a day. I brush my teeth, use the toilet, take a shower, wash dishes, wash fruits to eat, fill up my water bottle, and wash …

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Reducing Poverty in Bihar

Post a Comment » Written on December 2nd, 2013     
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poonamcropPoonam is only 22 years old, but she is a widow. Her husband died 3 years ago due to certain sickness. Her pain doubled when her in-laws began to blame Poonam for her husband’s death. This forced Poonam to return …

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Former Sex Workers Help Liberate Others

Post a Comment » Written on November 6th, 2013     
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The Hindustani Covenant Church (HCC) has been ministering to vulnerable women in the red light area for over a decade. Since 2006 more than 63 girls have escaped from the sex trade with the help of HCC and Covenant Social …

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Bangladesh Slum Neighborhood Improving Sanitation

1 Comment » Written on October 30th, 2013     
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Bangladesh Water First 1.25.13 (6)In a slum neighborhood surrounding Dhaka, Bangladesh, Covenant World Relief has partnered with Water 1st in establishing clean water systems and toilets in the crowded urban environment. These water systems are built with loans given to community members, which are …

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Unveil Yourselves, Women of Africa: A Call for Peace

Post a Comment » Written on October 28th, 2013     
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West Pokot, Kenya (smaller, just Kenya)In West Pokot, Kenya, Philipine (Pini) Chepkoech Kidulah and her support staff at Jitokeze Wamama Wafrika are bringing a new element of transformation to the communities through addressing conflict between the Pokot and Turkana people. Jitokeze Wamama Wafrika (Swahili for: …

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