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Prayer Requests

Update on Ruthie

We just got an update from Shana (Joel’s sister).  First of all, they didn’t get her in to surgery until about 11:45 our time (12:45 Goshen time).  This is about 2 hours late.  Please pray for the surgeon that he

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Immediate Prayer Request and Travel Plans

We are writing to let you all know of an immediate prayer request. Ruthie, Joel’s mom, will be having surgery tomorrow at 10:15 a.m. EST to remove a malignant tumor that is on her third vertebrae of her spinal cord.
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Covenant Camp Report


You can click this link above to view a copy of the report that I (Joel) am presenting this Friday at a meeting of the comittee that governs the camp.  Basically, this report is the compilation of my work …

Categories: Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Trip Cancellation

We were planning on leaving on Wednesday and going to Santo Domingo this week and eventually out to Guayaquil for the Coastal District’s Annual Retreat at the beach but all of this got changed when the Black Plague hit the …

Categories: Family Fun, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Updates: Meetings, Reports & Translations

We just wanted to fill you in on what we have been doing.  Kim finished up classes for a little while with the last day being watching the Passion in Spanish with our Spanish teacher on Good Friday.  She had …

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Agua Potable (Fresh Water)

Sorry, it has been a little while since we have updated.  I (Joel) made a trip a couple of weeks ago to the Camp in Santo Domingo for more meetings on the Agua Potable project.  Again, just to refresh your …

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In Santo Domingo

We just wanted to update everyone that Joel will be traveling to Santo Domingo again this week from Monday through Wednesday. He is going for more meetings over the agua potable (“clean water”) project. Please pray for safe travel and …

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Preaching – Prayer Request

I (Joel) just wanted to write and ask for prayer for this Sunday and the next.  I will be preaching for the first time in Spanish… well, ok… technically, I will be reading my first sermon in Spanish.  I have …

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In Santo Domingo

Joel traveled to Santo Domingo yesterday and will be there through Saturday.  He arrived yesterday safely with no problems.  This is a trip that got rescheduled from last weekend since the country was in a State-of-Emergency caused by the waves …

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State-of-Emergency Lifted

The State-Of-Emergency was lifted today for Ecuador. We had been under a State-Of-Emergency while we were preparing for the waves from the Japan tsunami to hit the Pacific Coast. Over 200,000 people from the coastal areas of the country had …

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