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About Joel & Kim

We were married in May 2002 and had known for years that we wanted to be missionaries – Kim since she was 9 years old and Joel since college. God has brought our lives together to serve Him in any way we could.  He blessed us with Simeon in March 2010, Esther in June 2014 and Ephraim in August 2015.  The Holy Spirit has led us to Ecuador, South America with the hope of partnering with the Covenant National Church in developing ministries to at risk children and through medicine.  This vision has formalized in a partnership that has formed with the Covenant National Church to start new ministries of homes for at risk children and a medical clinic.  This blog gives you a look into our lives and dreams.  We know that we are simple people and often feel like Moses making excuses why others would be better equipped for His purpose.  However, we cling to the promises that God has given us and we know that if God has called us, He will also equip us.  Happy reading!

Here’s more info about us: Delp Info

And you can donate here: Donate Now!

We are also the founders of the Santiago Partnership, a non-profit organization based out of Coshocton, OH which serves Ecuador in the areas of care for at risk children as well as medical care for the underprivileged.  You can read more about it here:

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