Tagged With: First 6 months
Travel Schedule
Here is our travel itinerary for while we are in the States:
December 22—30: Goshen, IN
December 30 — January 7: Hartford City, IN
January 2: Speaking at Trinity United Methodist Church (Hartford City, IN)
January 7
…Christmas Newsletter Available for Download
Christmas Newsletter
Our Christmas newsletter is available for download (Just click the link above!). You can see what has been happening with us in our first six months in Ecuador. Also, please note the address for Covenant World …
Festivals of Quito
This past weekend we had the opportunity to experience the Festivals of Quito. Basically, December 6th is the city of Quito’s Founding Day, so there are many celebrations that go along with the week that leads up to this day. …
Attending “Bedside Baptist” this week
Probably the first time this has ever been posted by missionaries, but it’s the truth. This Sunday is National Census Day and everyone must remain in their homes until 5 p.m. (you can actually get arrested for being outside with …
Happy Thanksgiving from Quito
We wanted to take a second to wish everyone out there Happy Thanksgiving from Quito, Ecuador. This year we are thankful to all those who partner with us ministry. Without you, our ministry would not be possible. Thank you so, …
Lord, Help me to be a Mary
Luke 10: 38-42
38AS JESUS AND his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s …
Simeon and his good friend Caleb
We had the Burbano’s over for dinner last night and it was so cute watching Caleb and Simeon play. Caleb can crawl much faster than Simeon and so Simeon was chasing him around all night. They are very cute playing …
Celebrating El Dia de Difuntos and Two Birthdays
On Tuesday, we had the opportunity the share together with our mission friends and ministry partners in celebrating the holiday in Ecuador called El Dia De Difuntos (The Day of the Dead). This is a very big holiday in Ecuador …
Isla Corazon
If you read our last blog post you know we visited Isla Corazon (Heart Island) in the Bahia of Caraquez in the west side of Ecuador. Visiting this island was our best experience yet here in Ecuador and we have …
Trip to the COAST!
We had a great time on our recent trip to the Coast of Ecuador. We started out going to Santo Domingo-about a 3 hour trip from Quito, to the National Pastor’s Retreat for the Covenant. We stayed at the Covenant …