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Tagged With: Ecuador Info

Upcoming Travels

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We are planning to take a couple of trips around Ecuador over the next 3 weeks.  We leave on Saturday for CUENCA.  We will be dividing the trip up so we don’t have

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IPEE Devotions

We were able to lead devotions this morning at IPEE.  Yes… IN SPANISH!!!  At IPEE (the Evangelical Covenant Church or Ecuador) they have devotions every week.  A time to study the word, pray and fellowship.  We try to attend every …

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New Day, New News

We were greeted by a new day with news this morning.  The police have gone back to work!!  The night passed without too much going on.  We are very glad to hear that the police have returned to work so …

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Ecuador Update

We thought we would just post another update before going to bed. Not sure if you have seen or heard anything in the news in the States, but we know there is info on news websites (CNN, etc).
We remain …

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Update from Quito

Just thought we would post a quick update in case you saw Ecuador in the news. We are aware of the situation going on right now. Just thought we would let you all know we are safe and sound as …

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