This morning we were reading this passage together and it really brought tears to my eyes at this beautiful account of Jesus resurrection. In Spanish, the word used for this is resucitar. Thinking of this in the medical world is literally bringing someone back to life, and I love the significance of this knowing and experiencing both of these words. It hit a little different today for some reason.
As I got dressed and we went to church, I was listening to the sermon and had my bracelet from SUMAK on which reminded me of the women of SUMAK and all they overcome and endure to find their identities and significance as women in this world. The rise above their circumstances to see themselves the way God sees them. Both of these things came together for me today as I read the account of Jesus appearing to the women and asking them to take this GOOD NEWS to the brothers! These women found their significance in Jesus himself as He met them; I continue to find my significance in Him, and I pray the women of SUMAK meet Jesus in their journey to see their worth and their value also.