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Tagged With: Ecuador Info

Pacto Sumaco

I (Joel) had the wonderful opportunity to visit the jungle town of Pacto Sumaco this last Sunday.  Pacto Sumaco is a community that began or at least transitioned because of natural disaster.  There was a earthquake in 1985 that caused …

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State-of-Emergency Lifted

The State-Of-Emergency was lifted today for Ecuador. We had been under a State-Of-Emergency while we were preparing for the waves from the Japan tsunami to hit the Pacific Coast. Over 200,000 people from the coastal areas of the country had …

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The Rocha Family


The camp in Santo Domingo where Joel has been working and where the family has been visiting could not run without the Rocha family.  They keep this place going and take care of the visitors that come.  Rueben with …

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The National Assembly

This past weekend we went back to Santo Domingo, but this time it wasn’t for the direct work that Joel has been doing.  This last weekend was IPEE’s (The Evangelical Covenant Church of Ecuador) Asamblea Nacional or “National Assembly”.  It …

Categories: Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

In Santo Domingo

We just wanted to update and let everyone know that from today through this weekend (through Feb. 28th) we will be traveling again to Santo Domingo and will be somewhat unreachable again.  Where the camp is located there are no …

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Pictures of Santo Domingo

We just wanted to give a pictorial update of the progress of the Covenant Camp in Santo Domingo:

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Ministry Update

Here is a recent newsletter update that we sent out to Northwest Covenant Church in Mt. Prospect, IL and just thought everyone might be interested in reading:

“Our first month being back home in Ecuador has been an eventful one.  …

Categories: Language Study, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Travel | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

More posts coming soon

Well, chaos has continued since arriving to Ecuador.  Since we have arrived, we have spent our entire time trying to get settled while helping another new Short-Term Missionary, Mandy Hjelm, get oriented, as well as helping the other Short-Term Missionary …

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Festivals of Quito

This past weekend we had the opportunity to experience the Festivals of Quito.  Basically,  December 6th is the city of Quito’s Founding Day, so there are many celebrations that go along with the week that leads up to this day.  …

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Isla Corazon

If you read our last blog post you know we visited Isla Corazon (Heart Island) in the Bahia of Caraquez in the west side of Ecuador.  Visiting this island was our best experience yet here in Ecuador and we have …

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