Posts Tagged ‘Thailand’

Education in Thailand

Post a Comment » Written on September 9th, 2011     
Filed under: Community Development

It is difficult to imagine a living situation of such destitution that feelings of hopelessness result in parents willingly sending their children away to work in sweat shops, factories and the sex industry.  In underdeveloped areas where finding education options …

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Tilapia Farm

1 Comment » Written on August 16th, 2011     
Filed under: Community Development
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Sometimes community development work takes thinking outside the box, things that you might never think would realistically work.  It takes boldness to envision for the future what is not a reality today.  One of Covenant World Relief’s partners working in …

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CWR Partner Update: Thailand Sustainable Development Research Foundation

1 Comment » Written on April 29th, 2010     
Filed under: Community Development
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Nan province in northern Thailand is one of the most marginalized and isolated areas in the country. The people who call this area home are often deprived of the most basic necessities in life, including a lack of hope for …

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Thick Versus Thin

Post a Comment » Written on March 4th, 2010     
Filed under: Community Development
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“Westerners like to see quick results and big numbers.”  This was a comment made at our meeting in October by one of the CWR Commission members who is from India. It made us all more aware of the tendency in …

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