Posts Tagged ‘South Sudan’

Children and parents

Post a Comment » Written on March 3rd, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development

The Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan (ECCSS), one of our biggest partners, has a great project working with vulnerable and orphaned children (VOC) whose lives have been devastated by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Sudan. It is easy to …

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Hope in the Midst of Violence

Post a Comment » Written on January 25th, 2012     
Filed under: Disaster Relief

We recently received an update from the Covenant Church of South Sudan (ECCSS), who is working with us to end the extreme violence in South Sudan. This violence, which began in August of last year, is caused by those in …

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Sudan Photo Update

Post a Comment » Written on December 7th, 2011     
Filed under: Community Development

We recently received an update from our partner in South Sudan, the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan (ECCSS) and their work on the Vulnerable and Orphaned Children project. Please take time to read the following stories of five …

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Successful Farming in South Sudan

Post a Comment » Written on November 21st, 2011     
Filed under: Community Development

The following blog originally appeared on the Ekstrand’s blog.

Thanks to the partnership between the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan (ECCS) and Community Covenant Church in Scotts Valley, CA these fields of corn are growing well in Malakal.…

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ECC Missionary to Lead Conference on Sudanese Violence

Post a Comment » Written on June 17th, 2011     
Filed under: General
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JUBA, SUDAN (June 16, 2011) – James Tang, an Evangelical Covenant Church missionary, has been asked to lead a conference of representatives from main faith and ethnic groups in South Sudan who are gathering to address rapidly escalating violence in …

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