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Tagged With: 501c3

Welcome Home

After many years of planning and talking and praying and working, we are so happy that 2017 was the year that the Home for At Risk Children has finally opened.  We are already serving 11 children thanks to our past

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Serving in Otovalo

The first week of November was SUCH a great week.  Several of the board members from the Santiago Partnership worked on this team, a medical caravan.  We partnered with a church in Otavalo, a town about 30 minutes north of

Categories: 501c3, Clinic, Medical Caravan, Ministry, Travel, Volunteers | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Forming Local Partneship

As is fitting for our name, the Santiago Partnership, seeks to form partnerships that both benefit our project in Cayambe as well as with those whom we partner.  The same is true for our ministries in Ecuador.  Since our Home

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Home, Ministry | Tags: , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Report on Women’s Caravan

Our team for the week was made up of a diversity of women.  All of the missionary women from the U.S., a missionary from Sweden, women from the national women’s organization for the Ecuadoran Covenant church, and three women from

Categories: 501c3, Clinic, Medical Caravan, Ministry, Prayer, Travel, Updates, Volunteers | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Reflection from Kim on the Women’s Caravan

Yesterday marked the completion of the first Women’s Holistic Medical Caravan in wonderful collaboration of the Women’s Ministry of the Covenant Church of Ecuador, the Santiago Partnership, Covenant missionaries from the States and Sweden, and volunteers from Ecuador, the United

Categories: 501c3, Clinic, Family Fun, Medical Caravan, Ministry, Reflections, Travel | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Minga for the Clinic Expansion

Pictures from yesterday’s Minga in Cayambe in order to construct the new wing to the Medical Clinic.  We had over 120 people who came out to support the project and specifically our medical clinic and the Expansion Project for 2017.

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Construction, Ministry, Travel | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Women’s Health

Women all over the world often feel more comfortable being open about their bodies, health, and their lives when they are among women.  We have found that to be true here in Ecuador.  Last spring during our medical caravans we

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Medical Caravan, Ministry, Prayer, Travel, Volunteers | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Minga for the Clinic Expansion

Pictures from yesterday’s Minga in Cayambe in order to construct the new wing to the Medical Clinic.  We had over 120 people who came out to support the project and specifically our medical clinic and the Expansion Project for 2017.

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Construction, Ministry, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


The Clinic Expansion Project is our construction project for this year and it has the goal of completing an extension to our clinic in order that we can offer Physical and Occupational Therapy in 2018.  The expansion of the clinic

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Construction, Ministry, Updates | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment


We want to officially introduce to you Annalea Egging.  Although she has been here 6 months already, we have held off on the introductions because she has been studying Spanish primarily and getting settled in to life here in Ecuador.

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Medical Caravan, Ministry, Prayer, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment