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Minga for the Clinic Expansion

Posted by on September 24, 2017

Pictures from yesterday’s Minga in Cayambe in order to construct the new wing to the Medical Clinic.  We had over 120 people who came out to support the project and specifically our medical clinic and the Expansion Project for 2017.

The Clinic Expansion Project is our construction project for this year and it has the goal of completing an extension to our clinic in order that we can offer Physical and Occupational Therapy in 2018.  The expansion of the clinic is significant and it is with the idea that there will be additional space for when the clinic grows in the future.  We have a goal to be a clinic that offers specialties, whether it be in Therapy, Women’s Health, Children’s Medicine, Traumatology, etc.


The Clinic Expansion Project will provide for the immediate need of space for Therapy but then there will be additional office space to grow in the future as well.  We had begun the extension previously in what we built earlier this year with the adding of the space for the bathrooms, office and expanded waiting area.  With what we have left to build for this expansion, we will need approximately another $25,000 in funding to complete the project.  If you would like to contribute to this construction project, please click below and type “Clinic Construction” in the place for a “Personal Message”:

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