Worlds Apart

I have thought for quite a while about this blog and each time I sit down to write it, I forget what I want to say.  I knew once I remembered the title I had in my head for this blog, that I would remember what I wanted to say.  Well, this morning is the day that I remembered the title, but I really don’t know how this is going to come together cohesively, maybe it won’t, but realize that this is kind of where my heart is when I think of where I am and where I have been.  As you have probably heard me say, or maybe heard others say about missions,

There’s no way you can be in a country other than your own for any extended period of time and not come back a different person, looking at life differently.

Friends, that is where I am.  If you looked at me from the outside, you would probably view a very normal American, working in the medical field, helping raise a kiddo and trying to serve Christ in what I do.  However, if you were able to see into my head ( a scary place most of the time 🙂 ), you would see that I view things much differently from others who are similar to myself.  Sometimes it is easy to be jaded in this field and I have been guilty of it in the past, but I come back from being away and just view things much differently.  Maybe it is that God changed me in this area because I struggled so much before I left with not wanting to be jaded, but being that way anyway.  But now, I feel differently when I take care of patients and I feel like I have a joy in it that I didn’t have before.  Praise be to God!
Meeting new people is different, especially in my field of work because it changes once they find out I have been out of the country for 2 1/2 years.  I think I have actually had some who are skeptical, wondering if I was really doing missions or was I there for rehab or trying to fly under the radar…for the majority, it is just something they don’t understand and I suppose expecting people to IS a high expectation.  It’s nothing against these people, but when you haven’t experienced it or seen it or even had a different country other than you own on  your radar, I can’t expect that people would.

It’s hard to believe that in October, we were still in Ecuador.  That was just 4 months ago, but I feel so far away from there.  Maybe that is why I have held off so long in writing this because it really hurts my heart when I think of not being in Ecuador.  We really do live in two worlds and although we love both, it seems like not being in the country where we have been called just isn’t home.  Imagine feeling homesick and that is how we feel (maybe a little more), the type that makes your heart hurt.  Don’t get me wrong, we know we are here for a reason right now, getting experience working, visiting churches, being with family, meeting new people, it’s great and we love it, but we still miss Ecuador.  When we see how things are coming together for future plans, that makes us want to get there more!

So, I feel like I am living in 2 worlds, which are WORLDS APART.

It’s a strange place to be and hard to understand and hard to explain.  I suppose there are not a whole lot of people that understand, and I don’t expect them too.  I suppose it gives our prayers warriors out there another area to bathe us in prayer about.  It’s not easy, for sure, but we knew it wouldn’t be and we’re OK with that.

So, enjoy some pictures of our sweet Ecuador which we love and miss!

You may be wondering where the title of this came from, Worlds Apart.  It is actually one of my favorite songs of all time, done many years ago by the band Jars of Clay.  What does it have to do with Ecuador?  Well, not much (that’s why I feel this is a bit scattered in my mind), but I feel this song encompassed and encompasses my life and my spiritual journey.  I don’t want to forget what my life has cost and how Christ gave his life for me.  In this lenten season, I don’t want to forget that and I want to focus on that as I remember Christ’s journey to the cross.
Remember with me as you read these lyrics…

“Worlds Apart”

I am the only one to blame for this
Somehow it all ends up the same
Soaring on the wings of selfish pride
I flew too high and like Icarus I collide
With a world I try so hard to leave behind
To rid myself of all but love
to give and die

To turn away and not become
Another nail to pierce the skin of one who loves
more deeply than the oceans,
more abundant than the tears
Of a world embracing every heartache

Can I be the one to sacrifice
Or grip the spear and watch the blood and water flow

To love you – take my world apart
To need you – I am on my knees
To love you – take my world apart
To need you – broken on my knees

All said and done I stand alone
Amongst remains of a life I should not own
It takes all I am to believe
In the mercy that covers me

Did you really have to die for me?
All I am for all you are
Because what I need and what I believe are worlds apart

[Additional lyrics:]

I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
and wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain
More and more I need you now,
I owe you more each passing hour
the battle between grace and pride
I gave up not so long ago
So steal my heart and take the pain
and wash the feet and cleanse my pride
take the selfish, take the weak,
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
the sin-soaked heart and make it yours
take my world all apart
take it now, take it now
and serve the ones that I despise
speak the words I can’t deny
watch the world I used to love
fall to dust and thrown away
I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
so wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain
so steal my heart and take the pain
take the selfish, take the weak
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
take my world apart, take my world apart
I pray, I pray, I pray
take my world apart

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Thank You North Park Covenant!


We had the pleasure of being with the good folks of North Park Covenant Church in Machesney Park, IL (just outside of Rockford) yesterday (February 10th).  They gave us the opportunity to share our story and vision for Ecuador and treated us to lunch afterwards.  It was great being with them as we had the opportunity to see a bunch of familiar faces.  Joel had served the church for six weeks preaching and doing visitation back in 2007.  It was really encouraging for us to be with them.  The church has committed to begin supporting us monthly as a church body so we were extremely excited to hear that.  We also need to say Thank You to Jeff & Kristi Lundblad and Curt & Jan Anderson as we spent some good time with them over the weekend also.

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Updated Calendar

  • February 10: North Park Covenant Church, Machesney Park, IL
  • March 3: Hope Covenant Church, Indianapolis, IN
  • March 15: Interviews with the Department of Ordered Ministry for Ordination and Licensing, Chicago, IL
  • March 30: Northwest Covenant Church for Men’s Lenten Breakfast, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • April 7: Trinity United Methodist Church, Hartford City, IN
  • April 14: Trinity United Methodist Church, Hartford City, IN
  • April 27, 28: Coshocton Christian Tabernacle, Coshocton, OH
  • May 5: Hilltop Community Church, Mansfield, OH
  • May 19: First Covenant Church, Willmar, MN
  • June 26-30: Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting for Commissioning and Ordination, Detroit, MI

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Off to Midwinter

Joel will be leaving for San Diego, California tomorrow (the 4th) for the Annual Covenant Pastors Conference which is called Midwinter.  Midwinter is a time when Covenant pastors, missionaries and chaplains come together to learn, worship and fellowship.  This conference had been in Chicago (where the denominational headquarters are located) every year in the past but they recently started moving it to another location every other year.  Joel lucked out by the fact that this year is one of those odd years and it just happens to be in warm California.  This conference will be timely for us by the fact that we are in process of setting up church visits for the year.  Joel should hopefully be able to meet with and see pastors that he can hopefully setup more of our visits with Covenant churches.  Please pray for that, traveling mercies and the family being a part for 5 days.

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Updated Monthly Support Level / Advocates Needed!!!


This will be our first update of many that will let you know how we are progressing in our goal of getting back to Ecuador.  Remember we need to be 100% funded in order to continue our ministry in Ecuador.

We are currently at 44%.  Now, when we say 44%, that means that we have 44% of our needed Monthly Support.  All of our support (including one-time or periodic gifts) of course gets included  in this amount but its the month-to-month commitments that are easier to track for determining our percentage and what is best for our long-term sustained ministry in Ecuador.  Remember that we are returning to Ecuador as Long-term Missionaries (that’s as long as our last interviews go well and we are approved at the Annual Meeting in June) and so we will be going back for a 4-5 year term.  It’s those monthly commitments, whether it be individuals or churches, that will sustain us in the long term.

That’s why we are looking to form new relationships with churches and individuals.  Our ministry requires more prayer and support than what it currently has.

Advocates are needed!!!  Just think of Joel & Kim as advocates for at risk children and the medically underprivileged in Ecuador.   We are sharing their stories because they are not able to.  In the same way, we need advocates for our ministry as we cannot reach everyone by ourselves.  We need people that are willing to reach out to others, whether it be a church or small group or friends or family members.   Whoever you think may be interested in hearing our story and about our ministry in Ecuador, we would like to know about them.  If you can just send us an email, then we will send you material that you can use to share with these potential new ministry partners.  If you feel comfortable, you can also just send us their name and phone number and we can reach out to them.  You can email us at joel-kim.delp(at) or call us at 574_238_0589.

In closing, we are continually reminded what a great and wonderful support team that we have that surrounds us and our ministry in prayer.  Thank you for being committed to us and our ministry and being so diligent in your continued support of us and following us so closely on our blog!  You all provide so much encouragement to us and we can never thank you enough!!!

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Updated Ministry Calendar

God has put together some more church visits for us and here’s our updated ministry calendar!  If we are going to be in your area, please feel free to come and be a part of one of our opportunities to share about our ministry in Ecuador.

  • February 4 – 8: Covenant Midwinter Conference, San Diego, California (just Joel)
  • February 10: North Park Covenant Church, Machesney Park, IL
  • March 3: Hope Covenant Church, Indianapolis, IN
  • March 15: Interviews with the Department of Ordered Ministry for Ordination and Licensing, Chicago, IL
  • March 30: Northwest Covenant Church for Men’s Lenten Breakfast, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • April 27, 28: Coshocton Christian Tabernacle, Coshocton, OH
  • May 5: Hilltop Community Church, Mansfield, OH
  • June 26-30: Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting for Commissioning and Ordination, Detroit, MI

As you can see there are still a lot of dates on the calendar to fill up with visits.  Please let us know if you have a church or small group that would like a visit.

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In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.  ~ Romans 8:26,27

Throughout our time in ministry in Ecuador, we have been so impressed about the need for prayer in our ministry.  It has been through God’s goodness and providence that we have been able to go to Ecuador and back, serve a short-term as missionaries, be so blessed in ministry and have every need met along the way.  It seems as though every single time we had a significant need that arose, whether it be emotional, social, financial or whatever other type, God came, saw and met our need in a way that only He could.

You all, our family, friends and supporters, have been His instruments in making the difference in our ministry.  Through your prayers, giving and support of us and our ministry, you all have made a significant difference in meeting our every little need.  We can never, ever thank you all enough for your faithful commitment and support for us.  THANK YOU FOR FAITHFULLY PRAYING FOR US.

Just recently, we have been reminded again about the continued need for ongoing prayer in our lives in ministry.  Spiritual warfare is at battle all around us.  The devil does not want us to return to Ecuador and that our ministry continue.  He doesn’t want us to partner with IPEE in creating new ministries to at-risk children and through medicine.  In addition, we just have been overwhelmed by the amount of continuous, monthly support that we need to raise before we can return.  WE CAN’T DO IT!  The good thing is: GOD CAN!!!  Where humans fall short, God always prevails.  We just want to ask you all to pray that in this year that we will be able to invite and recruit the necessary amount of new ministry partners that we are able to return to Ecuador when we are planning.  Though this task seems extremely daunting to us at this point, we know that anything is possible with God.


Please know that we are also praying for you.  We have a list of all of our supporters and have a calendar setup where we are praying for one of you each day.  So, please know that you also are in our prayers!

 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.  And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him. ~ 1st John 5:14,15

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Santo Domingo Campgrounds receives donation

Ruben & Amparo



The Rochas

We received some exciting news for our friends at the Campgrounds in Santo Domingo.  The camp donation that we had applied for and were set to receive has come through.  The funds will soon be sent down so that they can begin constructing the pool and family cabin and renovating the kitchen.  This is extremely exciting news as these improvements will greatly enhance the services that the camp provides and provide a huge boost for them.  We just give all praise and glory to our Heavenly Father and His good and faithful servants that have contributed to this donation.  We’ll be providing photos of the construction as we receive them.

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Church Visits Calendar… anyone want a guest missionary speaker???

Would anyone like to have Joel & Kim (and Simeon of course!) come speak at their church or small group sometime this year?  We are looking to setup dates for visiting churches during the calendar year 2013.  At this point, we have an extremely open calendar and are looking for new ministry partners/churches that would like to be a part of exciting new ministries to at-risk children and through medicine in Ecuador, South America.

Here are the dates that we do have a visit setup:

February 10 – North Park Covenant Church – Machesney Park, IL

March 30 – Northwest Covenant Church (Men’s Lenten Breakfast) – Mt. Prospect, IL

April 27 & 28 – Coshocton Christian Tabernacle – Coshocton, OH

So, as you can see, we have many open dates at this point.  We know of some churches that we will be visiting and just don’t have dates yet but we still will need help in finding new ministry partners in this year.  If you have any questions or want to setup a date, you can email us at joel-kim.delp(at) or call us at 574_238_0589.  Thank you all and may God bless you!

The Delp Family

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Introducing the Santiago Partnership

As you all know, we met with 5 other couples on the weekend of January 11-13th in Marion, IN.  This is our first meeting to begin the process of starting a non-profit organization which will be the development organization for the center for at-risk children and the medical clinic.  We have named the organization the Santiago Partnership.  The name Santiago Partnership comes from the book of James.  The name “Santiago” in Spanish is the name “James” in English.  We may come up with a particular theme verse but at this point the idea is being taken from the book of James that we want to have a faith that is alive and active, one that is lived out, not one that dead and has no good works to show for it.  We are also using the word “Partnership” instead of “Corporation” or “Project” so that we can emphasize the idea that everything we are doing is in partnership with the local church in Ecuador (both on a local and national level).  At this point we do have our mission statement which says, “The Santiago Partnership, as an international team of followers of Jesus Christ collaborating with the local church of Ecuador, South America,  seeks to transform the lives of at-risk children and their families, as well as serve underprivileged communities.”

All of this will take a while before we can be official with a 501c3 status.  We have seen God working amazingly through this entire process of bringing each couple to be a part of the team and as we have others that will be helping out (a lawyer and  website designer agreeing to help for free).

Please pray for us as we continue this process and become official.  We have broken up into subcommittees and have begun the work that needs to be accomplished to get up and running.  Here are the couples names so that you can pray for them individually: Tim & Angie Eberhard, Scott & Sara Hallam, Jeff & Kristi Lundblad, Janae & Zach Stevens and Paul & Mary Thompson.  Our Board of Directors also includes four advisory members which is one representative from Covenant World Mission and 3 representatives from I.P.E.E. (the Covenant church of Ecuador) who are Henry & Olguita Burbano (Henry is the president of I.P.E.E.) and Marcela Tapia (the director of F.A.C.E.).  It’s exciting to have I.P.E.E.’s participation on our highest level of the Board.

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