Hope Covenant, here we come!!!

On Saturday, after celebrating Simeon’s birthday with friends and family at Chuck E. Cheese (Simeon is going to love it!), we will be traveling down to Indianapolis, IN to speak at Hope Covenant Church on Sunday.  This is an exciting day for us because they are a church of which we do not have a previous relationship.  Joel and Pastor Tom Miller, the pastor of Hope, just met one day over lunch in Indianapolis a little over a month ago.  But what is neat is that they have folks that will be leaving later this month to be a part of a Medical Mission team to Ecuador.  So that is a really neat connection that we weren’t even aware of.  We, and Pastor Tom, both feel as though God orchestrated our meeting and our visit to their church so we are very excited to be with them on Sunday.  Your prayers for a good worship service and clarity in speaking are very much appreciated!

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A Lenten Reflection from Joel

Lent is a season of soul-searching, repentance and reflection.  It is a season for contemplation and taking stock.  Lent originated in the earliest days of the Christian Church as a preparatory time for Easter, when the faithful rededicated themselves and when converts were instructed in the faith and prepared for baptism.  In observing the forty days of Lent, the individual Christian imitates Jesus’ withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days, which is equal to the amount of time it rained for Noah  as well as Moses when on Mt. Sinai for the ten commandments and forty was the number of years that the Israelites were in the wilderness wandering.

You all know that a big part of my “work” during this year of Home Assignment is to visit churches and share about our ministry in Ecuador but my “job” during this time also includes much more than that.  One aspect that you may not be aware of is that of education.  During my year of Home Assignment, we hope that I can use this time to grow and further my understanding of what it means to be a minister, especially in the context of international mission.  I have been meeting (as much as is physically possible) with my mentor, David Mark, and he has helped me in developing a reading list that will help me with this.  In addition to this, Kim and I both met with a counselor right after returning from Ecuador and he was able to help us out in developing plan for the year.  I also have met with a Spiritual Director who was able to help me out in seeing where I was at in my spiritual life, my day-in and day-out relationship with Jesus.

Here’s why I shared that tangent.  And I’m being a little bit transparent here for the sake of sharing a prayer request and the desire for accountability from those close to me.  It has become increasingly obvious over the last 8 – 10 years that I am needing to develop a significant sense of Sabbath in my life.  From Kim and my extremely busy time during our years in Chicago, transitioning to an extremely hectic and stressful first-term as missionaries in Ecuador (which included raising a small child for sure), I’ve got working hard down, though I’ve always had that one down.  For those of you who know me well, you know me as the typical Type-A, driven, task-oriented person who takes pride in what he is able to accomplish.  That is what I do well.  What I don’t do well is resting.  This is  one thing that I have always appreciated about Kim as she helps me (sometimes forces me!) to bring balance to my and our lives as she does properly understand the need for rest and play and their importance for our well-being.

But I need to grow in this area.  I share all of this for a couple of reasons.  One important reason is so that you all can know and understand this area of weakness for me and pray for me and hold me accountable to this area of growth for which I am striving.  Secondly, I wanted to share a book I’ve been reading.  I want to share this book and some concepts from it not only because it has been meaningful for me, but I think it can also be meaningful for you.

I know what it means to be an American (and also Ecuadorian in this case because they are very similar in this sentiment).  It means you work hard and you have very busy lives, one in which it seems every minute is scheduled out.  We live in a culture that applauds “hard work” and the fact of “being busy” is bragged about and anyone who is doing too much “resting” could be considered to be “lazy.”  The time period has very much passed us by in which Sunday is a sacred day, devoted only to God and quiet time with Him.  I know that and understand that, so I don’t think I would even try calling for a return to that.  That’s not my point.  My point would be is to not do as I have been doing but strive for something similar to that which I am striving for now.

We all need to have a sense of Sabbath in our lives.  We need a time for pause and reflection, a time to be with God and to not allow distractions to get in the way.

A book was given to me and Kim (as well as the rest of the families in his church) by a friend and minister, Tyler Harford, pastor at Pleasant View Mennonite Church in Goshen, IN.  The book is called “The Sabbath” by Abraham Joshua Heschel.  Abraham, for those of you who like me did not know of him before, was a renown Jewish rabbi and theologian.  This book is one of his earliest and most celebrated works in which he discuses Jewish spirituality and ritual based living that is found in the Sabbath.  I think that there is much that can be learned about the Sabbath for us and after reading this book, I see how a Jewish rabbi is the perfect person to be our instructor.

Before sharing some bits and pieces from the book, just a quick explanation of the Sabbath for those for whom that would be helpful.  The word Sabbath comes from the Hebrew word “Shabbat” and basically refers to the seventh day of the week, which is a day dedicated to resting.  Our Lord instituted the seventh day as the Sabbath as He demonstrated it to us by resting after the six days of creation (Genesis 2) and then commanded it for His people (Exodus 16 and 20).  The point of the Sabbath from the beginning has been a planned time to rest from work and spending dedicated time with our Lord.

Here are some thoughts from “The Sabbath” by Rabbi Heschel:

In his prologue, he discusses the conflict that exists in humanity between space and time, namely our preoccupation with things that are spacial in nature or that in our physical world.  Please know that this book was written in 1951, so you can only imagine what Rabbi Heschel would think of this day in age.  On page 3, he states, “Technical civilization is man’s conquest of space… To gain control of the world of space is certainly one of our tasks.  The danger begins when in gaining power in the realm of space we forfeit all aspirations in the realm of time.  There is realm of time where the goal is not to have but to be, not to own but to give, not to control but to share, not to subdue but to be in accord.  Life goes wrong when the control of space, the acquisition of things of space, becomes our sole concern.”

He later in the chapter tries to bring in the Biblical perspective on the topic. “The Bible is more concerned with time than with space.  It sees the world in the dimension of time.  It pays more attention to generations, to events, than to countries, to things; it is more concerned with history than with geography.  To understand the teaching of the Bible, one must accept its premise that time has a meaning for life which is at least equal to that of space; that time has a significance and sovereignty of its own.”  All of this is on page 6 and earlier on that page, “The higher goal of spiritual living is not amass a wealth of information, but to face sacred moments.”  He concludes this chapter, “The meaning of the Sabbath is to celebrate time rather than space.  Six days a week we live under the tyranny of space; on the Sabbath, we try to become attuned to holiness in time.  It is a day on which we are called upon to share in what is eternal in time, to turn from the results of creation to the mystery of creation; from the world of creation to the creation of the world.” (Page 10).  It is helpful to see how the Sabbath fits in God’s perspective and the importance of time and time that is set aside for rest and for Him.

I’ve always seen the Sabbath as time at the end of the week in which we can rest and rejuvenate.  Rabbi Heschel helps us in looking at things from in a different light: “The Sabbath is not for the sake of weekdays; the weekdays are for the sake of the Sabbath.  It is not an interlude but the climax of living.”  (Page 14)  And then later, “The work on weekdays and the rest on the seventh day are correlated.  The Sabbath is the inspirer, the other days the inspired.” (Page 22).

Words like these have been helpful for me in understanding that not only am I neglecting myself but I am neglecting God in not allowing myself to rest.  If I am going to make it through a life of busyness in ministry and not become run-down, I need to develop a proper sense of Sabbath in my life.

I have not finished this book yet and I will probably share more as I go along but I wanted to share this reflection with you at this time.  May these words be an encouragement for you in finding your own sense of Sabbath in your spiritual life.

I’ll close with the words from my friend, Pastor Tyler, “I, for one, have been challenged to consider what I do about the longest of the 10 commandments, the one we appear to pay the least attention to.”


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Quick Updates

Here are some quick updates that you can read through to find out what is new with us:

  • We are up to 48% in support (Yeah!!!) and have setup some more church visits but there’s still a long way to go so your prayers and help are still appreciated.
  • Kim is enjoying her job and she still “shadowing” and not yet on her own.
  • Joel had a nice time at the Covenant Midwinter Retreat in San Diego.  It was a good time for learning and reflection as well a nice opportunity to catch up with old friends and make some contacts for potential church visits.
  • We have our last round of interviews for Ordination and Long-term Missionary Consecration on March 15th in Chicago.
  • Simeon has started preschool and really likes it.  He is doing better with his separation anxiety that he had been experiencing since moving from Ecuador.
  • Simeon is still very small for his age but is finally on the growth chart so that makes us happy.  He is still eating very well and is doing well developmentally.  He is working on potty training right now.  He will turn 3 on March 5th and we are taking him to Chuck E. Cheese because he loves pizza and loves playing in arcades.
  • The Santiago Partnership (the non-profit organization that we are helping to start) has filed its first round of paperwork for being officially recognized as a 501c3 tax-exempt organization.
  • Thank you for your prayers for Ruthie, Joel’s mom, and her difficulties swallowing after her surgery to remove a tumor in the back of her neck.  Her swallowing has improved to where she is up to about 50% capacity though this has mainly come through compensating with non-direct swallowing muscles.  More than likely, this will be her permanent condition but your prayers for complete healing will always be appreciated.
  • Our good friends Henry and Olguita Burbano have recently given birth to a new baby boy named Nathan.  Mommy and Nathan are both doing well.
  • Kim recently sent down her undergraduate and graduate diplomas to Henry and Olguita and when they have time (see previous post), they will work on getting her licensing approved and her rural internship setup.

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Updated Calendar

  • March 3: Hope Covenant Church, Indianapolis, IN
  • March 15: Interviews with the Department of Ordered Ministry for Ordination and Licensing, Chicago, IL
  • March 30: Northwest Covenant Church for Men’s Lenten Breakfast, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • April 7: Trinity United Methodist Church, Hartford City, IN
  • April 14: Trinity United Methodist Church, Hartford City, IN
  • April 21: Church of the Good Shepherd, Crest Hill, IL
  • April 27, 28: Coshocton Christian Tabernacle, Coshocton, OH
  • May 5: Hilltop Community Church, Mansfield, OH
  • May 19: First Covenant Church, Willmar, MN
  • June 26-30: Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting for Commissioning and Ordination, Detroit, MI

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Worlds Apart

I have thought for quite a while about this blog and each time I sit down to write it, I forget what I want to say.  I knew once I remembered the title I had in my head for this blog, that I would remember what I wanted to say.  Well, this morning is the day that I remembered the title, but I really don’t know how this is going to come together cohesively, maybe it won’t, but realize that this is kind of where my heart is when I think of where I am and where I have been.  As you have probably heard me say, or maybe heard others say about missions,

There’s no way you can be in a country other than your own for any extended period of time and not come back a different person, looking at life differently.

Friends, that is where I am.  If you looked at me from the outside, you would probably view a very normal American, working in the medical field, helping raise a kiddo and trying to serve Christ in what I do.  However, if you were able to see into my head ( a scary place most of the time 🙂 ), you would see that I view things much differently from others who are similar to myself.  Sometimes it is easy to be jaded in this field and I have been guilty of it in the past, but I come back from being away and just view things much differently.  Maybe it is that God changed me in this area because I struggled so much before I left with not wanting to be jaded, but being that way anyway.  But now, I feel differently when I take care of patients and I feel like I have a joy in it that I didn’t have before.  Praise be to God!
Meeting new people is different, especially in my field of work because it changes once they find out I have been out of the country for 2 1/2 years.  I think I have actually had some who are skeptical, wondering if I was really doing missions or was I there for rehab or trying to fly under the radar…for the majority, it is just something they don’t understand and I suppose expecting people to IS a high expectation.  It’s nothing against these people, but when you haven’t experienced it or seen it or even had a different country other than you own on  your radar, I can’t expect that people would.

It’s hard to believe that in October, we were still in Ecuador.  That was just 4 months ago, but I feel so far away from there.  Maybe that is why I have held off so long in writing this because it really hurts my heart when I think of not being in Ecuador.  We really do live in two worlds and although we love both, it seems like not being in the country where we have been called just isn’t home.  Imagine feeling homesick and that is how we feel (maybe a little more), the type that makes your heart hurt.  Don’t get me wrong, we know we are here for a reason right now, getting experience working, visiting churches, being with family, meeting new people, it’s great and we love it, but we still miss Ecuador.  When we see how things are coming together for future plans, that makes us want to get there more!

So, I feel like I am living in 2 worlds, which are WORLDS APART.

It’s a strange place to be and hard to understand and hard to explain.  I suppose there are not a whole lot of people that understand, and I don’t expect them too.  I suppose it gives our prayers warriors out there another area to bathe us in prayer about.  It’s not easy, for sure, but we knew it wouldn’t be and we’re OK with that.

So, enjoy some pictures of our sweet Ecuador which we love and miss!

You may be wondering where the title of this came from, Worlds Apart.  It is actually one of my favorite songs of all time, done many years ago by the band Jars of Clay.  What does it have to do with Ecuador?  Well, not much (that’s why I feel this is a bit scattered in my mind), but I feel this song encompassed and encompasses my life and my spiritual journey.  I don’t want to forget what my life has cost and how Christ gave his life for me.  In this lenten season, I don’t want to forget that and I want to focus on that as I remember Christ’s journey to the cross.
Remember with me as you read these lyrics…

“Worlds Apart”

I am the only one to blame for this
Somehow it all ends up the same
Soaring on the wings of selfish pride
I flew too high and like Icarus I collide
With a world I try so hard to leave behind
To rid myself of all but love
to give and die

To turn away and not become
Another nail to pierce the skin of one who loves
more deeply than the oceans,
more abundant than the tears
Of a world embracing every heartache

Can I be the one to sacrifice
Or grip the spear and watch the blood and water flow

To love you – take my world apart
To need you – I am on my knees
To love you – take my world apart
To need you – broken on my knees

All said and done I stand alone
Amongst remains of a life I should not own
It takes all I am to believe
In the mercy that covers me

Did you really have to die for me?
All I am for all you are
Because what I need and what I believe are worlds apart

[Additional lyrics:]

I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
and wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain
More and more I need you now,
I owe you more each passing hour
the battle between grace and pride
I gave up not so long ago
So steal my heart and take the pain
and wash the feet and cleanse my pride
take the selfish, take the weak,
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
the sin-soaked heart and make it yours
take my world all apart
take it now, take it now
and serve the ones that I despise
speak the words I can’t deny
watch the world I used to love
fall to dust and thrown away
I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
so wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain
so steal my heart and take the pain
take the selfish, take the weak
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
take my world apart, take my world apart
I pray, I pray, I pray
take my world apart

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Thank You North Park Covenant!


We had the pleasure of being with the good folks of North Park Covenant Church in Machesney Park, IL (just outside of Rockford) yesterday (February 10th).  They gave us the opportunity to share our story and vision for Ecuador and treated us to lunch afterwards.  It was great being with them as we had the opportunity to see a bunch of familiar faces.  Joel had served the church for six weeks preaching and doing visitation back in 2007.  It was really encouraging for us to be with them.  The church has committed to begin supporting us monthly as a church body so we were extremely excited to hear that.  We also need to say Thank You to Jeff & Kristi Lundblad and Curt & Jan Anderson as we spent some good time with them over the weekend also.

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Updated Calendar

  • February 10: North Park Covenant Church, Machesney Park, IL
  • March 3: Hope Covenant Church, Indianapolis, IN
  • March 15: Interviews with the Department of Ordered Ministry for Ordination and Licensing, Chicago, IL
  • March 30: Northwest Covenant Church for Men’s Lenten Breakfast, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • April 7: Trinity United Methodist Church, Hartford City, IN
  • April 14: Trinity United Methodist Church, Hartford City, IN
  • April 27, 28: Coshocton Christian Tabernacle, Coshocton, OH
  • May 5: Hilltop Community Church, Mansfield, OH
  • May 19: First Covenant Church, Willmar, MN
  • June 26-30: Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting for Commissioning and Ordination, Detroit, MI

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Off to Midwinter

Joel will be leaving for San Diego, California tomorrow (the 4th) for the Annual Covenant Pastors Conference which is called Midwinter.  Midwinter is a time when Covenant pastors, missionaries and chaplains come together to learn, worship and fellowship.  This conference had been in Chicago (where the denominational headquarters are located) every year in the past but they recently started moving it to another location every other year.  Joel lucked out by the fact that this year is one of those odd years and it just happens to be in warm California.  This conference will be timely for us by the fact that we are in process of setting up church visits for the year.  Joel should hopefully be able to meet with and see pastors that he can hopefully setup more of our visits with Covenant churches.  Please pray for that, traveling mercies and the family being a part for 5 days.

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Updated Monthly Support Level / Advocates Needed!!!


This will be our first update of many that will let you know how we are progressing in our goal of getting back to Ecuador.  Remember we need to be 100% funded in order to continue our ministry in Ecuador.

We are currently at 44%.  Now, when we say 44%, that means that we have 44% of our needed Monthly Support.  All of our support (including one-time or periodic gifts) of course gets included  in this amount but its the month-to-month commitments that are easier to track for determining our percentage and what is best for our long-term sustained ministry in Ecuador.  Remember that we are returning to Ecuador as Long-term Missionaries (that’s as long as our last interviews go well and we are approved at the Annual Meeting in June) and so we will be going back for a 4-5 year term.  It’s those monthly commitments, whether it be individuals or churches, that will sustain us in the long term.

That’s why we are looking to form new relationships with churches and individuals.  Our ministry requires more prayer and support than what it currently has.

Advocates are needed!!!  Just think of Joel & Kim as advocates for at risk children and the medically underprivileged in Ecuador.   We are sharing their stories because they are not able to.  In the same way, we need advocates for our ministry as we cannot reach everyone by ourselves.  We need people that are willing to reach out to others, whether it be a church or small group or friends or family members.   Whoever you think may be interested in hearing our story and about our ministry in Ecuador, we would like to know about them.  If you can just send us an email, then we will send you material that you can use to share with these potential new ministry partners.  If you feel comfortable, you can also just send us their name and phone number and we can reach out to them.  You can email us at joel-kim.delp(at)covchurch.org or call us at 574_238_0589.

In closing, we are continually reminded what a great and wonderful support team that we have that surrounds us and our ministry in prayer.  Thank you for being committed to us and our ministry and being so diligent in your continued support of us and following us so closely on our blog!  You all provide so much encouragement to us and we can never thank you enough!!!

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Updated Ministry Calendar

God has put together some more church visits for us and here’s our updated ministry calendar!  If we are going to be in your area, please feel free to come and be a part of one of our opportunities to share about our ministry in Ecuador.

  • February 4 – 8: Covenant Midwinter Conference, San Diego, California (just Joel)
  • February 10: North Park Covenant Church, Machesney Park, IL
  • March 3: Hope Covenant Church, Indianapolis, IN
  • March 15: Interviews with the Department of Ordered Ministry for Ordination and Licensing, Chicago, IL
  • March 30: Northwest Covenant Church for Men’s Lenten Breakfast, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • April 27, 28: Coshocton Christian Tabernacle, Coshocton, OH
  • May 5: Hilltop Community Church, Mansfield, OH
  • June 26-30: Evangelical Covenant Church Annual Meeting for Commissioning and Ordination, Detroit, MI

As you can see there are still a lot of dates on the calendar to fill up with visits.  Please let us know if you have a church or small group that would like a visit.

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