Ministry Schedule

  • January 11: Auction to benefit the Santiago Partnership – Northwest Covenant, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • January 11 & 12: Northwest Covenant Church, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • January 19: New Community Covenant Church – Bronzeville, Chicago, IL
  • February 2: Kim’s last day of work!!!!
  • February 21: Covenant Community Church & Redeemer Covenant Church – Farfield, OH
  • February 22: Packing container for shipment to Ecuador –  Coshocton, OH
  • February 23: Faith Community Covenant Church, Youngstown, OH
  • February 27: Off to Ecuador!

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Announcing Auction to Benefit the Santiago Partnership

auction_soldThere will be a silent auction to benefit the Santiago Partnership held at Northwest Covenant Church (300 N. Elmhurst Ave., Mt. Prospect, IL) on Saturday, January 11th at 4:30 p.m.  If you live in the Chicagoland area, please come out to attend and support our ministries.  A wonderful pasta dinner will be served and many great items will be up for bid and all proceeds go to benefit the ministries of the Santiago Partnership in Ecuador.  Also, if you would like, you can donate items to be auctioned off.  Popular items that have been auctioned off in the past include sports memorabilia and tickets for Chicago sports teams, vacation/timeshare packages, new electronics, and other tickets for concerts, plays, etc.  Contact us at or 574-238-0589 if you have something to donate.  Please come out and support the Santiago Partnership and have a lot of fun in the process!

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Happy New Year!

Happy-New-YearHappy New Year from the Delps!  We wish you and your family the happiest New Year and pray that 2014 will be a very healthy and happy year for you!

We have extremely good news to report.  We are now fully approved to return to Ecuador in February and have already purchased our return tickets.  We will be flying back on February 27th.

We are so extremely happy to be at this point and to be planning our return. And so we can’t thank you all enough for all of the love and support that you have shown and given to us not only in 2013 but throughout our ministry.  We love you all!

We have big, big plans in store for 2014.  Here is a brief list of what all we are planning:

– Send a container to Ecuador filled with medical supplies and other donations from Coshocton, OH on February 23rd

– Move to Quito, Ecuador on February 27th

– Take 3 months of language study in Quito

– Move to Cayambe, Ecuador the end of May

– Have our second child the middle of June

– Open the first Medical Clinic in Cayambe in July or August

– Begin construction on the first  home for at risk children in Cayambe in August

So, there are a lot of specific things to be praying for this year.  But you can also be getting involved if you would like.  We’ll be sending the supplies down in February so people can donate items for the shipment.  More details will be coming out about the shipment a little bit later.  We are going to be having 6 of our supporting churches coming down to Ecuador this year so folks can come down and help out.  That is always an option.  Thirdly, we are still needing a lot of support for the project’s expenses.  We are fully supported now as missionaries, but our project, the homes and clinics are still in need of funding.  And the support for the project costs go through the Santiago Partnership, the charity organization that we have setup with our friends to administer the projects.

If you have a late end-of-year tax-deductible gift that you are wanting to make, the Santiago Partnership could use your help.  You can read all about it and donate here:


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Christmas Newsletter

Happy Advent, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!!!


We wanted to share our Christmas newsletter with all of you who have not received a paper copy.

Please click below to download our newsletter in PDF format:




In this newsletter, we share about the exciting news that we have that you can now go to the Santiago Partnership website ( and Facebook page (

The Santiago Partnership is the organization that we have been in the process of founding this year with friends in the States and in Ecuador that will be supporting the ministries to at risk children and the medical clinics in Ecuador.  You can learn more about it at those two places.  Please be in prayer for the Santiago Partnership!

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The Santiago Partnership RELEASED!!!








The Santiago Partnership has gone public.  Check us out on the web:

In case you don’t remember, the Santiago Partnership is the non-profit organization that we have been setting up this year with a group of friend in the States and Ecuador that will be supporting our ministries in Ecuador.  You can read all about it on the website.

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Update on Ruben

RubenRuben has been released from the hospital again and is back at home in Santo Domingo.  Praise the Lord!  This is a picture that was taken in the hospital before he was released.  You can see how much weight he has lost through this whole ordeal.  I hardly even recognize him!  But, it is great to see a smile on his face and know that he is back home with his family and is comfortable.  Please continue your prayers as he recovers at home.


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Being Inspired

We were incredibly inspired and encouraged today and we wanted to share that with you!  A little girl by the age of 9 or 10 came up to us today after church, after we had shared our story and said ” You know how you guys are at like 89% and are needing that additional amount so you can go back to Ecuador…. how can I help you get what you need?”  Her father was there standing next to her with his checkbook open ready to write a check.

Safe to say, we were just taken back by this amazing young lady and her desire to help us.  After our conversation, she understood that she wouldn’t be able to help get us everything we were needing to get us to 100% but they did contribute a large check that will go to our Setup Costs.

We were just so surprised, encouraged and humbled by this young lady’s desire to help us.  We have been so encouraged by so many people this whole year and this is definitely another example of that.

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Thank you New Harvest!


We wanted to say THANK-YOU to New Harvest Christian Church of Orgeon, OH for our visit with them this morning!  It was wonderful to be with you all, worship with with you and fellowship around a meal with you afterward.  You all are very caring. loving and supportive folks it was a job to spend time with you today.  God bless!

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An Announcement via a Mathematical Equation

Family_of_4 - Small

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Seeing God in You!







I was recently reminded and encouraged by God working in our ministry and this encouragement has come from YOU… our supporters… our friends, family and ministry partners!

Very often, we, as Christians, talk about being “light to the world” and a “salt of the earth” in that we talk about how we need to try to be  an example of who God is to others.  I recently was reminded of this but not from my own personal desire to reach out to others rather because you all reminded me of God’s presence in my life and that God is still alive and active in our ministry.

It has been a long year.  There have been many, many blessings in this year of visiting so many churches and individuals in the process of building up a ministry partner team that will go with us as we go back to Ecuador…. but it has also been very tiring and wearing!  Not because you all are tiring and wearing but because it has been a lot of work.  It seems as though I have been ministering in 60 to 70 hour “work” weeks while being the primary care giver for Simeon (well…. that’s not entirely true as Simeon has probably been spending more hours in a week with grandma and grandpa Delp here recently).  This year I/we have visited 38 churches and 60 individual supporters and have logged almost 35,000 miles on our car.

So, safe to say, I am a bit worn out.  I’m looking forward to getting back to Ecuador so I can get a break…. though I probably won’t get it!  Now, maybe this is just how I am feeling at the moment but it sure feels like this has been a theme for this year.

However, during this time of year in which we are thankful, I can’t stop thinking of YOU… our friends, families and supporters.  Why?  You all have helped keep me close to Jesus!

I know your immediate thought is… well… is that what your personal prayer and devotional time is for??? Yeah, your right.  And Jesus has been there too!  At the same time, at times it can be easy to get discouraged and down and you need that little extra pick-me-up!

Well, you all have been there for me all along this year!  No…. since I am not a person who tells everyone when I am discouraged, you haven’t responded to my pleas with moral support.  By living out your Christian walk and filling my life with encouragement and hope, in your faces I have seen the face of Jesus and I can’t thank you enough.  In the moments of weariness and discouragement, you all have been there to pick me up.   Not by giving me that verse of scripture that I was needing, nor by praying for me individually… though when you all have done those things that has been encouraging also.  BUT!  Just by being you… by being the “light to my world” and the “salt to my earth.”  I can’t thank you enough for walking with me in this year of support raising!

At this point, I’d like to list individuals and examples of what I am talking about… unfortunately, I won’t be able to list you all so it is best if I don’t list anyone.

In Matthew 25 there is a very powerful image that Jesus shares with us as He explains that when you do something for one of those in the most need, you do it for Him.  This is a powerful message of compassion and mercy for those who lack so much and this is usually how I reflect on this passage.  It teaches us to look for Jesus in others.

This is where I am as I have seen Jesus in you all and I am just so thankful for all that you mean to me and my family and how you support us, love us and care for us.  Thank you for being Jesus to me!!!!.

I’ll close with one more piece of scripture that speaks to me so deeply in this regard when Paul speaks about the body of Christ:

“But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other.  If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.”  – 1st Corinthians 12:24-26

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