When Helping Hurts: Chapter 6

This chapter expands and goes into great detail about the participation level of the community that is being served in the process of determining and implementing a strategy for poverty alleviation.  The authors provide a continuum where they show the various levels of participation.  It begins with “Coercion” where local people submit to predetermined plans developed by outsiders.  A good step in the right direction is “Cooperation” where local people work together with outsiders to determine priorities but the responsibility still remains with outsiders for directing the process.  At the other end of the continuum is “Community Initiated” where local people set their own agenda and mobilize to carry it out without outside initiators and facilitators.  So you can see the vast disparity in these different ways of achieving participation.

One particular aspect to the idea of participation that stuck out to me was the need to talk to everyone in a community that is being served.  It was amazing to see an example where this was done properly and both the men and the women in a poor community were asked to draw a map of the community.  The maps the drew were so different you couldn’t even tell that they were the same community.

In the end, this chapter highlighted an area that had been stressed previously but was very correctly expanded and given more sustenance through examples.  It’s obvious to see the need for the participation of the community that is being served.

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Update on Ruthie

Grandma Delp and Simeon

We wanted to provide a quick update on the health of Earl and Ruthie, Joel’s parents.  Earl is doing very well post-hip replacement surgery.  He is back to doing the things he loves: exercise and playing tennis.  His hip is still not quite a 100% as he still has discomfort at times and doesn’t have full mobility when playing tennis, but all things considered, he’s doing very well.

Unfortunately, the report for Ruthie isn’t quite as positive.  She had been doing quite well in her progress on swallowing.  But of recent, she seems to have hit a plateau where she really hasn’t seen any progress for a while.  And for the swallowing that she is able to do, it is quite forced and with much concentration.  Basically, she is having to think through the process of swallowing as opposed to just be able to swallow normally.  They have determined that some of her muscles in her throat just have not begun working and at this point they have given up on the electrical stimulation treatment.

In under a week she will be going to see a Ear, Nose and Throat specialist who will hopefully be able to give her some more information, but also hopefully he can give a recommendation to a center/clinic that specializes in this exact area of swallowing.  She has been able to swallow quite a bit through her process of concentrating on each swallow and she is hoping that she can do enough so that she doesn’ t need to be on the feeding tube anymore.  But at the same time, they say that they are not seeing any progress in her swallowing so they are not sure what to do just yet.  There may be need for some kind of surgery or procedure to help get the muscles going again.

Please pray that God will be with her through this whole process as it has been very discouraging at times.    Please also pray that she can get her feeding tub out as she would be very encouraged by that.  Finally, please pray that as she goes to see the doctors and such that she would get a good diagnosis and treatment for the problem that currently exists.

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Another Book We Recommend

I (Joel) recently finished a book that I would recommend for you to read, if you haven’t already.  The book is “Too Busy Not To Pray” by Bill Hybels.  This is a very popular book which many have read; I just have not had the “time” to get around to reading it.  But with my recent travels I have been able to catch enough free time to get it read.

The book does a great job of covering the overall reasons to pray, ways to pray, difficulties in prayer, etc., as well as Pastor Hybels sharing at a personal level his development in his prayer life.  I found it to be immensely helpful for me.  I have been very interested in reading it for quite some time because I really identity with the title.  I am definitely a person who keeps himself busy.  I am happiest when I am consumed with the work of ministry and feeling stretched in my time and energy to get everything accomplished.  At the same time, I understand the danger in that.  I know that when I am not taking good, daily time spent with my Lord to connect with Him and be refreshed by His spirit that my energy will run out or if it doesn’t, my sincere Christian attitude and patience will.  Pastor Hybels did an excellent job of explaining who he is and I saw my similarities in him and saw how he has fallen into similar traps.  He provided excellent, easily followed practices to make a daily time of connection with the Lord a part of one’s life.

I have a feeling that I am not the only one that has lived in the U.S. faced-paced culture that has had this problem.  Maybe some of you can identify with what I am saying.  If so and if you haven’t read this book yet, I would recommend giving it a shot.  It is an easy read as Pastor Hybels writes in a way that is not too deep or heavy and one can easily can connect with.  Plus, there are a lot of practical solutions that he provides.  I very much enjoyed this book.

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Camp Committee & Agua Potable Meetings

I just wanted to let you all know how the meetings went over the weekend.  My meeting on Saturday with the Camp Leadership Committee went pretty well with a lot of decisions that will be helpful for the camp going forward.  Though it is true that we had one topic that was especially difficult to deal with and will be continuing to deal with it.
For reasons of confidentiality, I am not going to give any details of the issue, but just ask that you lift up our Committee in prayer as we figure out the best course of action.  I cherish your prayers for this.

The meeting yesterday, Sunday, was with the neighboring community and the Agua Potable (“Fresh Water”) project.  Basically, we were presenting the results from our visit with the organization here in Quito that we had a couple of weeks ago.  In the end, we were presenting two options.  One: to allow the organization to continue with their project and wait and see (and pray!) that they get it completed in a timely fashion.  Two: to continue with doing the project ourselves on our own.  In the end, the community made what I thought was a good decision in deciding to wait a month to decide.  Basically, we need to get the final permission from the local municipality to do the project on our own, so they decided to wait a month until we know about the approval of that permission and we can have more updated information from the organization here in Quito to be able to see how they are progressing.  So, basically, the decision was to wait until we have all the information that we can possibly have before making a decision.  I think it is a good course of action for us to take.

The Town Hall Meeting in the small village (Santa Marianita de Jesus) that is nearby the Camp where we discussed the Agua Potable project.















The Rocha Family had a new addition to the family while I was there. It was pretty cool!

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Meetings, Meetings and More Meetings…

Well, we got back safely from our most recent trip to Santo Domingo later on Wednesday.  It was a good and productive trip for Joel and his work at the camp.  Kim and Simeon enjoyed themselves also besides the moment when Simeon threw up on our way there in the midst of all of the windy curves.  It was quite the sight trying to get him all cleaned up on the side of the road in a small rural town outside of the Santo Domingo area.  We ended up having quite a few curious observers.

For this weekend, Joel and his friend Jonathan will be returning to Santo Domingo, but this time on bus.  They’ll be leaving late in the afternoon on Friday and will be returning late at night on Sunday.  Joel has an important Camp Committee meeting on Saturday which we would appreciate your prayers for as there will be some difficult decisions to make.  And then on Sunday, Joel will be meeting with the community next to the Camp to discuss the options they have for the Agua Potable (“Fresh Water”) project.  Meanwhile, at home, Kim will be beginning her responsibilities at one of our churches in childcare.  Please pray for her as she takes on this new endeavor.

God bless you all in your activities and in church this weekend.

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Off to Santo Domingo

The family will be traveling to Santo Domingo from Sunday, September 11th until Thursday, September 15th.  We will have limited email access during this time.  If you need to get a hold of us, we will respond as soon as we return.  Your prayers for safety in travel are always appreciated.

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Update on Pacto Sumaco

A while back, I wrote about a visit Chris Hoskins and I made to Pacto Sumaco.   Pacto Sumaco is a small Covenant community of farmers whole have been struggling for some time financially.  The community was named “Pacto” Sumaco because the Covenant Church (“Pacto” means “Covenant” in Spanish) has done so much for the community over the years.  Recently, Covenant World Relief has gotten involved in helping the community develop new farming techniques which can better the health and prosperity of the families there.  The main part of the project is implementing an edible mushroom that the farmers can grow to eat and sell, which has the potential to be a great cash crop for them.  In turn, the mushroom production is much more sustainable and better for the environment because it is not as damaging to the soil as its predecessor crop, naranjilla.  The naranjilla, a small citrus fruit, eats away at the nutrients in the soil in that after only three years, the plant makes the soil unable to be cultivated in the future and so more rain forest is cut down to make room for new land to be tilled.  In addition, the naranjilla requires harsh pesticides which is harmful to the health of those in the community.

Finally, in addition to the mushroom production, the Covenant World Relief project is also helping teach the farmers how to do their own organic farming.  Currently, those in the community do not have a very healthy diet, but with implementation of these greenhouses and organic gardens, this will hopefully change.

You can read more about the Covenant World Relief project here and feel free to provide some support for it:


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Agua Potable Update

Thank you so much for your prayers yesterday for the meeting over the Fresh Water project.  Things went well, though maybe not in the way that we had wanted.  Let me explain what happened.

First of all, two members of the community that is located next to the camp traveled by bus from Santo Doming and arrived in the big bus terminal in the south of Quito at 8 am yesterday morning (they had to leave at 3:30 from their homes!).  I picked them up from the bus terminal and drove them up north where the meeting was going to be.  Once we got there and met Santiago, the FACE coordinator for this project, we found out the location for the meeting had changed so we had to drive to another part of town.  We ended up being about an hour late but the engineer that we were meeting with was kind and understanding.

In the course of the discussion, this is what we found out.  That the office we were at actually could NOT authorize the Fresh Water project for the community that we had hoped; that authorization is given by the local authorities there in Santo Domingo.  But, what we did find out is that this division of the government was in fact planning a huge fresh water project for a very large area that encompasses much of the area south of Santo Domingo, in which this community and the camp would be included.  This is very good news!  It means that the community will not have to pay to do the project themselves.  However, there is still one difficulty in that this is a very large project being completed by a very large division of the government and even though the engineer explained that the project should be completed within two years, we have many suspicions that it will take much longer.  So, at this point, the community and the camp have a decision to make as to whether they are going to wait and have the project complete by this division of the government or if they are going to try to do it themselves at a much quicker pace.

The day concluded by me dropping the two gentlemen from Santo Domingo back off at the bus station in the south of Quito.  Santiago and myself are planning on being in Santo Domingo on September 18th to attend a town hall meeting to discuss these two options and what was presented by the engineer.

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Agua Potable Prayer Request

We just wanted to let everyone know of a prayer request so you can be praying.  Tomorrow, September 8th, at 9:00 a.m. (CST) we will be having an important meeting over the “Fresh Water” project in Santo Domingo,  so your prayers are definitely cherished.  We will actually be meeting with a large organization here in Quito.  There is a small team of people coming from the community next to the Camp in Santo Domingo that will be traveling to Quito early in the morning.  I (Joel) will be going with them and Santiago from FACE to meet with this large organization here in Quito to try to get permission to do the water project on our own.  At this point, the community can’t wait any longer for the government to act; they want to act on their own, which is fantastic.  It’s only that they need permission before proceeding.  We are hoping to receive this permission tomorrow.  Again, your prayers are greatly, greatly appreciated!!!

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Evergreen Covenant Vision Team

We just finished hosting the Vision Team from Evergreen Covenant Church in Sanford, ME.  We had a great time with them.  In the end we visited 7 different possible locations that they could partner with for future ministry.  Six of the seven locations were indigenous churches who held their services in their native tongue (Quichua) as well as in Spanish.  The good thing was that all of the churches were located near or around the Volcano Cayambe, so the traveling wasn’t too, too extensive.  The team, Joel and Henry Burbano were treated very well by all of the churches we visited.  The team even got the opportunity to really experience culture when they were fed Cuy (Guinea pig) a couple of times.  They probably won’t be cooking it up when they get home.

This was a bit of stepping out of my comfort zone (Joel).  I was the translator for the team so while we were out and about I was the one responsible for translating in both directions.  It was definitely good that most everyone spoke Spanish in addition to their native Quichua.  In the end, everything went just fine.  My translations were not always perfect but the main point was always understood.

Now, that they have headed back.  They are going to take all of the information that they have collected and share it with their congregation.  Then from there, as a church body, they are going to pray about the Lord’s leading in which direction to go to form a partnership.  It will be pretty difficult in that so many of the locations were filled with such wonderful people and vision for future ministry.

We finished up our time with them by taking them to historic sites in Quito as well as to the Equator.  We had a great time with a lot of laughs.  One of our highlights is pictured below when one of the churches we visited took us on a horse ride up to the top of a mountain.  It was a pretty cool!

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