“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.” -C.S. Lewis
On Tuesday of this week, we had a ‘despedida’ or farewell for our very close friends, The Hoskins who left today (Wednesday) to go back to the U.S. We know that God has amazing plans for them as they begin this new adventure in their lives, but staying behind here in Ecuador is a little hard.
We know that goodbyes are a part of being a missionary. We also knew that over a year ago when we came, the Hoskins would be leaving before us, but it is quite different when you remember these things in the midst of the goodbye. I have never liked goodbyes, even when I was young. Things have not changed for me and I still hate goodbyes. We will miss our friends dearly. Please pray for us (especially Kim) during this time, as well as the other missionaries that you know that come to mind. Although we know as missionaries that we will face these things, that doesn’t make it easier for us. Pray for missionaries you know in this day, no matter what they are facing. For us, please pray for comfort and peace during this time as well as a renewed strength in being here in Ecuador, with our lives looking a little different without the Hoskins. Blessings to you all!