Fathers – A Light but Good Read

“A Man of Honor — Inspiration and Wisdom to Celebrate Fatherhood” is a good read for all you fathers out there.  It’s filled with lots of quotes, bible verses and stories about parenting and fatherhood.  There is a lot that can be learned from this short but inspirational book.  I recommend it for those of you who would like to add book on parenting/being a father to your devotional reading.

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Prayer Request

Just wanted to share a real quick prayer request.  The Rocha Family (the family that lives at and runs the camp) has had recent difficulty with their vehicle.  They have a large van which they use to take all of their girls (they have 6 all together) as well as some of the other neighborhood kids into and back from Santo Domingo every day.  The trip is about 35 minutes both ways.  Ruben usually makes 3-4 trips into Santo Domingo every day to take care of all of the necessities of the camp and the family.  Well, the van has had recent very bad problems.  The computer went 0ut and to get it repaired its going to be a very large expense for them.  Something they can´t afford.  They are trying to figure out ways right now to get it fixed and paid for.  We just ask that you pray for them and the situation with the van as it is critical to their lives and the camp.  Thank you!!!  Here´s a picture of the Rocha family.

La Familia Rocha

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Area de Reciclajes

We just wanted to show off some pictures of the newly constructed Area de Reciclajes (“Recycling Area¨”).  This small project will help eliminate much of the camp´s waste, provide income for the camp in the sold recyclables and, of course, help the environment!  Yipee!!!

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Plan de Vivienda

A picture of Pastor Rafael Canarte, his wife Monica and the maestro at the new construction at the Compassion Center in the Plan de Vivienda in Santo Domingo

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Santo Domingo

Well, it has been a busy week at the camp.  After having a FACE meeting in Quito, we left late afternoon on Friday to travel to Santo Domingo for the Camp Committee meeting on Saturday.  Joel had a surprise out-of-the-blue meeting that popped on Friday night right when we got there but things went well.  And things went well for the main Camp Comittee meeting on Saturday.  We were able to work through one particularly difficult situation (thank you for your prayers!) as well as as make several other important decisions.  Joel then preached on Sunday, which was his first time preaching completely in Spanish.  Things seemed to go very well as the pastor was very encouraged and preached a second sermon after his sermon that further emphasized what Joel was saying in his sermon.  We took that as a compliment!

Since then, we just have been hard at work at the camp with lots of things to do.  This was a work week for us as we were inviting others to come join us to help better the campgrounds.  No one else came this time but we are hoping that in the future with  more invitations and more work weeks that other volunteers will be able to make it out.  Here are some pictures of  the activities that we were doing.

Simeon helping mom with the painting.

Mom and Simeon getting pumpkin seeds to plant in the new garden.

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Busy Schedule and a Traveling we will go…

Here is our upcoming schedule:

October 14th — FACE Meeting in Quito

October 15th — Camp Committee Meeting in Santo Domingo

October 16th — Preaching at “Dios es Amor” in Santo Domingo

October 17th – 21st — Work Project at the camp in Santo Domingo

So after a FACE meeting here in Quito tomorrow, we will be heading to Santo Domingo for the Camp Committee meeting on Saturday, preaching at a local Covenant congregation on Sunday and then a work project Monday through Friday the following week.  Basically, there are a lot of areas for prayer: safety in travel, good decision-making in the meetings, clarity and the Spirit’s leading in preaching and finally productivity in the work being done at the camp.  Thank you all so much for your prayers and support.


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Despedida (Farewell) to the Hoskins

Chris, Jenny, Breck and Elsa looking at their gift from IPEE

Friends at IPEE (Covenant Church of Ecuador) laying hands on the Hoskins

IPEE friends and missionaries

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.”  -C.S. Lewis

On Tuesday of this week, we had a ‘despedida’ or farewell for our very close friends, The Hoskins who left today (Wednesday) to go back to the U.S.  We know that God has amazing plans for them as they begin this new adventure in their lives, but staying behind here in Ecuador is a little hard.

We know that goodbyes are a part of being a missionary.  We also knew that over a year ago when we came, the Hoskins would be leaving before us, but it is quite different when you remember these things in the midst of the goodbye.  I have never liked goodbyes, even when I was young.  Things have not changed for me and I still hate goodbyes.  We will miss our friends dearly.  Please pray for us (especially Kim) during this time, as well as the other missionaries that you know that come to mind.  Although we know as missionaries that we will face these things, that doesn’t make it easier for us.  Pray for missionaries you know in this day, no matter what they are facing.  For us, please pray for comfort and peace during this time as well as a renewed strength in being here in Ecuador, with our lives looking a little different without the Hoskins.  Blessings to you all!

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Update on Pacto Sumaco

Recently, Joel visited the Covenant World Relief in Pacto Sumaco with fellow missionary Mandy Hjelm and Covenant World Relief director David Husby.  David was visiting to see the project and update the folks at Covenant World Relief.  It was awesome to see the project being realized in the community.  The farmers have begun growing their mushrooms and getting close to the stage where they will begin selling them.  Below are some pictures and again if you are interested in learning more about this project or contributing to this project you can do so here: http://www.covchurch.org/relief/projects/cd/ecuador-agriculture/

The Mushrooms of Pacto Sumaco

All of us sitting around the table about ready to enjoy some fried mushrooms

One of the farmers of Sumaco showing off her fine collection of mushrooms

The farmers of Pacto Sumaco. Can you find Waldo - or Dave Husby?

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September Newsletter Released


Our September 2011 Newsletter is available for download (Just click the link above!). You can see what all has been happening with us since our last official update in June.  Also, please note the address for Covenant World Mission has changed. If you are sending checks, please send them to:

Covenant World Mission

Joel & Kim Delp STM Support

8303 W. Higgins Rd.

Chicago, IL 60631-2941


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Joel off to Santo Domingo

Joel will be traveling to Santo Domingo this morning, 9/28, through Thursday evening, the 29th.  Please pray for safety in travel and success in his work there.

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