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Tagged With: Updates

List of Items to be Auctioned off Saturday

For this Saturday’s auction at Northwest Covenant Church in Mt. Prospect, IL, there will be a bunch of great items up for sale.  Here’s what they will be selling:

Here are some of the items for the auction:

handmade wooden

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Ministry Schedule

  • January 11: Auction to benefit the Santiago Partnership – Northwest Covenant, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • January 11 & 12: Northwest Covenant Church, Mt. Prospect, IL
  • January 19: New Community Covenant Church – Bronzeville, Chicago, IL
  • February 2:
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Announcing Auction to Benefit the Santiago Partnership

auction_soldThere will be a silent auction to benefit the Santiago Partnership held at Northwest Covenant Church (300 N. Elmhurst Ave., Mt. Prospect, IL) on Saturday, January 11th at 4:30 p.m.  If you live in the Chicagoland area, please come out

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Happy New Year!

Happy-New-YearHappy New Year from the Delps!  We wish you and your family the happiest New Year and pray that 2014 will be a very healthy and happy year for you!

We have extremely good news to report.  We are now …

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Christmas Newsletter

Happy Advent, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!!!


We wanted to share our Christmas newsletter with all of you who have not received a paper copy.

Please click below to download our newsletter in PDF format:



Categories: 501c3, Home Assignment, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Santiago Partnership RELEASED!!!








The Santiago Partnership has gone public.  Check us out on the web:

In case you don’t remember, the Santiago Partnership is the non-profit organization that we have been setting up
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Update on Ruben

RubenRuben has been released from the hospital again and is back at home in Santo Domingo.  Praise the Lord!  This is a picture that was taken in the hospital before he was released.  You can see how much weight he …

Categories: Home Assignment, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Santo Domingo, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Being Inspired

We were incredibly inspired and encouraged today and we wanted to share that with you!  A little girl by the age of 9 or 10 came up to us today after church, after we had shared our story and said …

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Thank you New Harvest!


We wanted to say THANK-YOU to New Harvest Christian Church of Orgeon, OH for our visit with them this morning!  It was wonderful to be with you all, worship with with you and fellowship around a meal with you afterward.  …

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An Announcement via a Mathematical Equation

Family_of_4 - Small

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Categories: Family Fun, Home Assignment, Prayer Requests, Simeon, Updates | Tags: , , , | Leave a comment