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Christmas Celebration

We have been feeling festive this holiday season and the fun was capped off this past week by holding our end-of-year Christmas party where we all came together as a project (everyone involved in the Home for At Risk Children and everyone involved in the Medical Clinic) under one roof.  We ate turkey together, played games, made Christmas cookies and had a lot of laughs.  It was the perfect ending to a very busy year of ministry.


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Esther’s class visits Cayambe

Earlier in the month we had the privilege of hosting Esther’s preschool class in Cayambe.  I know it is hard to believe but Esther’s preschool class of 3 year-olds wanted to visit our project in Cayambe and give presents to the kids in the Home for At Risk Children.  It was quite the day and quite the experience for us to help a group of such young ones and their desire to serve.  Here are some pictures from the day:



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Santiago Partnership Online Auction

Beautiful hand-crafted items from the heart of Ecuador!  Support a great ministry and give unique gifts this Christmas!!  Thank you from the Santiago Partnership and the people of Ecuador! Auction runs Dec 1st – Dec 10th at 11:59 PST. Items will ship week of Dec 11th.  Click here:


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FACE Christmas Celebration

This past Friday we celebrated an early Christmas with FACE.  If you remember, FACE stands for the Fundacion Adelanto Comunitario Ecuatoriano and is the Social Outreach Branch of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Ecuador and is also the organization that our project (the Home for At Risk Children and the Medical Clinic) are legally a part of and administered by here in Ecuador.  Turkey is the traditional Christmas meal in Ecuador so Kim made us a meal similar to Thanksgiving which everyone enjoyed, so we had a nice time celebrating Christmas early with FACE.

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Thanksgiving in Ecuador

We had the wonderful opportunity to have our missionary friends (as well as others) with us to celebrate Thanksgiving in our new home.  Thanksgiving isn’t a holiday in Ecuador so it was a new celebration for many of the Ecuadorians that were with us for the day.  We all came together to all make different dishes to make the Thanksgiving meal complete and have a missionary family Thanksgiving.  Happy Thanksgiving!


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Our Home

After over four months of doing a huge home remodel, we finally moved into our new house on October 31st.  We are so happy to finally be in the house that we can call our Home.  Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!  Here are some pictures of our house after the remodel.

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Welcome Home

After many years of planning and talking and praying and working, we are so happy that 2017 was the year that the Home for At Risk Children has finally opened.  We are already serving 11 children thanks to our past donors.  The first child we received, Mikal, was 3 years old when he came to us in June 2017.  His parents were going through a difficult custody dispute, and Mikal was left neglected.  However, things turned around for him and his family in working with our staff.  He was able to be reunified with his mother after passing a time of recovery and therapy.  Now they will continue to be a part of our ministry as they will be attending church at our partner congregation in Cayambe.  How exciting is that?



Will you join us as we strive to help even more children and families in 2018 by partnering with our “Welcome Home” Campaign?  We are welcoming you to our Home for At Risk Children as we have now opened.  Even a little bit goes such a long way.  The Santiago Partnership has a goal to raise $15,000 to ensure that the community of Cayambe, Ecuador continues to have adequate assistance.  Below you will see different options of tangible things that help the children in the Home.  When these children come to the home, the majority come with just what clothes they have on them and nothing else.  Some have not had a substantial meal in weeks, and most have shoes with holes if they have them at all.  It may seem simple, but even small gifts can change the lives that these children have known up until now.


If you are looking for a way to invest and help change lives, look no further because that is happening right now, and you can be a part of it!


Join our “Welcome Home” campaign and help us change lives in Ecuador!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Ecuador!


Options to Support the Children in our Home for 2018

Pair of Children’s Shoes— $25

School Transportation for 2 Children for 1 Month— $50

Clothing for a New Arrival— $100

Food for the Home for 1 Month— $250

Industrial Size Washing Machine— $500

Special Outing for the Home— $1000

Costs for a Child for 1 Year— $3000


Click here to Give Now:

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Serving in Otovalo

The first week of November was SUCH a great week.  Several of the board members from the Santiago Partnership worked on this team, a medical caravan.  We partnered with a church in Otavalo, a town about 30 minutes north of Cayambe.  It was such an organized Compassion International Center that we worked with, with very caring tutors that knew each child individually.  80 of the 140 children we saw were new to the program.  One story from the week is that there was a little boy who was 9 and the size of his 5 year old sister.  He had shoes with no soles and no socks and he had blisters on his feet from them being so wet.  The next day he came back and was all smiles because the tutors had given him socks and a new pair of shoes.  It was a very simple fix, but something that was found because we weighed him with his shoes off!  We are thankful to be able to partner here and are excited to see what this partnership will lead to in the future.  A big thank you to the team members.

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Forming Local Partneship

As is fitting for our name, the Santiago Partnership, seeks to form partnerships that both benefit our project in Cayambe as well as with those whom we partner.  The same is true for our ministries in Ecuador.  Since our Home has opened back in June, we have seen growth in the Home as we now have 9 little ones with us.  We have also seen our partnerships grow.  Though we are yet to receive local financial assistance for our Home’s operational costs (a goal we have for 2018), we have seen many local donations of goods and services that help us offset our operational costs.  For example, we have a partnership with one local business owner that buys the Home a sack of rice as well as other staples every month.  What you see pictured here is a donation of fresh produce that we received this past week from the Comisaria Municipal de Cayambe.  What a blessing it is to receive support like this from our local partnerships!

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Report on Women’s Caravan

Our team for the week was made up of a diversity of women.  All of the missionary women from the U.S., a missionary from Sweden, women from the national women’s organization for the Ecuadoran Covenant church, and three women from North America came down for the week.  We worked in two different locations in northern Ecuador.  The first location was San Gabriel, a village located just south of the Colombian border.  The second location was in Punkuwayku, a village located in the Kichwa district just north of Ibarra.  Each clinic was hosted by a local Covenant church and there were two days of clinic in each site.  We had around 100 women come through over the four days.  We were able to provide medical, dental, and counseling in each location.  We also had classes for women while they were waiting about normal body changes, as well as having women available to chat with about faith issues and other topics.  Each woman was given a kit with reusable sanitary pads and basic hygiene items.  At each church we also had a church service that was open to women from the community.  It was a great week of sharing and learning for all involved!

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