Earlier in the week, I (Joel) made a quick trip to the jungle town of Tarapoa. Since I didn’t want to leave Kim without a car, I made the by bus. It was a whirlwind trip leaving on Sunday night, traveling 8 hours to get there by Monday morning to have a meeting and a tour of a potential project and then finish of with lunch, all just to head back on a bus and make it back home at about 2 in the morning early Tuesday morning. My head was spinning afterward with the lack of sleep and crazy travel. I wanted to do it like that because we are really busy right now and we don’t have a lot of free time to spare. The trip was a part of my responsibilities as being on the Board of Directors of FACE, the branch of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Ecuador that administrates the social projects. We were visiting Tarapoa to scope out a new potential project of starting a coffee business by members of the Covenant Church of Tarapoa. Though it was all a whirlwind, it worked out to be a great trip and I am very excited about the project.