Welcome Amundsens!!!

This past week we welcomed Erik and Kristina Amundsen to the Ecuador field as they arrived this past Monday and will be serving a two-year term as ECC Short-Term Missionaries.  They will be serving mainly with FACE as Erik hopes to be involved in agriculture projects, but they will eventually get involved in various aspects.  Right now, their only task is to get adjusted to life in Ecuador.  It takes a lot to get used to a new way of life and culture so please be praying for them and their adjustments in these coming months.

Erik and Kristina's arrival at the airport.

Erik and Kristina’s arrival at the airport.

A prayer of reception by the leaders of IPEE at our national leadership summit.

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Please pray for Patricio

This week during our Medical Caravan in Zuleta we had the opportunity to see a patient that we have been trying to get in contact with.  His name is Patricio and he is from the Kichwa community of Cashaloma.  Joel had found out about his medical condition while he was visiting Cashaloma with the Vision Team from Dassel, Minnesota. Since we were holding the caravan in Zuleta, Joel drove to Cashaloma to try to find him but unfortunately he was not there though his mother was.  They didn’t have a way to get a hold of him by cell phone though his mother knew where he was, so Joel took his mother with him to go find him.  Once they arrived to where his mother thought he was (over 45 mins away), they unfortunately found out he wasn’t there either.  However, the family members who were there did know how to get a hold of him by cell phone and they were able to arrange to have him come to the medical caravan the next day.

Kim was able to see him the next day and though she doesn’t specialize in what he is needing (a throat specialist), she was able to give him some medicine and some advice as how to proceed with treatment and she gave him her phone number so she can help him with follow-up and help along the way.

Please continue to pray for Patricio that he will be healed completely.

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Women’s Health A Focus This Week

This week we conducted a Women’s Health Medical Caravan in the communities of Zuleta and Cayambe as we had the blessing of a visiting Medical Team from the area of Chicago. Over 100 patients received an exam over a 4 day period. Many thanks to all of those involved!

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We had a visitor come from the Seattle area this past week.  Emily Davidson, one of our Santiago Partnership board members was able to come down and visit!  What a pleasure it was to finally meet her in person as well as 3 friends of hers too!  She was able to visit the clinic as well as the home which is currently about 80% completed!  What a blessing it was to have her and gain insight from her into at-risk children in Ecuador.  Thanks for coming Emily!

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Accidents Happen…

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Accidents do in fact happen, we all know it.  Unfortunately, it’s never fun when they happen.  Joel was involved in an accident this week on the way to pick up friends who were going see the ministries in Cayambe.  He was in a line of about four cars that had to abruptly stop and the car behind Joel did not see this happening and rear ended him.  The gentlemen did not have insurance, but admitted that it was his fault and was very apologetic.  He seemed very worried and his family was very shaken up as you can imagine.  Joel was able to share with him that he was a pastor and that God works even the most difficult of circumstances out for His good.  He also said he would be praying for him.  We praise God that no one was hurt and that the damage will be taken care of.  We also praise God that the man who hit Joel was very kind and willing to help; that is not always the case.  Please pray for this man and his family; that they will see Christ in the midst of their difficult circumstances.

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Small Victories…

License Plate 2-1

A license plate…it seems pretty simple huh?  In the States, getting your license plates is a very simple process that takes 1, maybe 2 weeks right?  Well, the process has proven to be a little longer here, about 15 months!  BUT, we finally got them and now our van will be complete with license plates!  It’s a small victory we realize, but something we celebrate!

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It’s that time of year… VBS time!!!


Summertime always brings a multitude of excitement…warm weather, walks, vacations, family reunions, pool time and VBS for a lot of churches.  We just had VBS at one of the churches here in Quito and it was so much fun.  It is so great seeing kids and adults who have never heard the gospel, experience Jesus!  It’s exciting and fun to experience in a new and fresh way!

This year, the Evangelical Covenant Church has used the Santiago Partnership and ministries here in Ecuador for the “mission moments” in the curriculum for VBS around the country.  This is so exciting.  We have been contacted by a few churches who have used the curriculum and adapted it for THEIR mission moments.  We are grateful and humbled to be a small part of kids learning more about missions and life for kids around the world!

Thank you to Modesto Covenant ChurchFaith Covenant Church and Faith Community Covenant Church for involving us in your VBS and for using the focus of your mission moments as the Santiago Partnership and the kids in Ecuador.  THANK YOU!

Here are some pictures from the VBS at Faith Covenant Church.

It’s also not too late to incorporate Ecuador and the Santiago Partnership into YOUR VBS, AWANA or Sunday School curriculum.  Check out this link to see how you can use the materials:


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Continue to pray for permits…

This may seem like a very simple picture, but it represents a lot for the clinic in Cayambe.  This is an official permit that is currently up in the clinic.  Please continue to pray.  We are only lacking 1 permit before the clinic can be officially opened!   YEAH!  Please join us in prayer that the Ministry of Health will grant us this final permit without any issues.  It may be baby steps, but God is slowly but surely allowing these permits to come in.  Thanks be to God!

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Volunteer Tourist Week

We took two of our summer volunteers on a week adventure to see the beauty of Ecuador.  Here are some pictures from our time:

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Pictures of Disaster Relief in Oyacachi

Pictures of disaster relief and pastoral care in Oyacachi. It has been amazing to see how the see the response by our Christian brothers and sisters in the surrounding area Covenant churches. If you would like to support their efforts, gifts can be received through Covenant World Relief, just click the link below and put in the notes of the gift “Ecuador disaster relief” http://www.covchurchgiving.com/p-174-disaster-relief.aspx

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