Que Viva la Quinceanera!!!

This past weekend we had the pleasure of attending our first Quinceanera!  A Quinceanera is when an Ecuadorian girl turns 15 (15 is “quince” in Spanish).  We went to the Quincenera birthday party for our friend Naomi, who is the daughter of Martita, our friend and babysitter for the kids.  The party was held at the church, Santiago, in the south of Quito, who our friends Henry and Olguita Burbano are the pastors.

It was quite the party!  In addition to having the normal birthday party fanfare of food, cake and lots of balloons.  The Quinceanera birthday party also included a court, an entrance with her dad, the presentation of a bible, high heeled shoes and a promise ring.  I was a ton of fun to be a part as we really enjoyed ourselves!  We were privileged to be a part!



The entrance


The Burbanos and the Quinceanera


Esther praying for the Quincinera


Thanking everyone for coming


Naomi and her sister Kelyn


The Quinceanera and her dad Robin


The Delp family and the Quinceanera


Our friends, Henry and Olguita



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See the new kitchen!

Thanks to the team from Northwest Covenant Church and our Ecuadorian partners, we made incredible progress on the home for at-risk kids this week – tiling, skim coating, sanding, painting, digging, hauling, installing cabinets and appliances, and more – and the kitchen was mostly finished! Part of the team also worked in the clinic – organizing, doing inventory, and preparing for inspection See pictures of the progress and the beautiful new kitchen!!!

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Welcome to the United States!

This week we welcomed Ephraim to the U.S. even though he has never been there.  After a long delay, we know have Ephraim’s Birth Certificate and U.S. Passport so he is now officially a U.S. Citizen and can travel to the U.S. when he would like to.  We’ll let him let us know when he is ready to go.  Yeah Ephraim!!!

Delp,Ephraim_Passport 001

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South American Missionary Retreat

This past week we had the pleasure of hosting all of the missionaries from South America (Colombia and Ecuador) as well as many folks from Chicago for a Missionary Retreat.  It was a wonderful time of connecting, sharing, praying, and learning.  We’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.

Foot washing service
Everyone at the retreat
Ecuadorian Missionaries
Time of Devotion
Food and Fellowship
Kim leading CPR Training

Joel being the “dummy”


Receiving prayer from Curt Perterson


Joel praying for missionaries from Colombia, Gary and Mary Lou Sander


Time of Prayer


After the retreat concluded, Joel took Curt Peterson (former head of Serve Globally), Al Tizon (new head of Serve Globally) to visit our project in Cayambe



Our friends and ministry partners in Cayambe



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All be well!

51uicZ7+v2L._SS280You may want to click play on the song at the bottom of this post so as to let the music play as you are reading.

I (Joel) wanted to share a little bit from how God spoke to me during my Sabbath Retreat as I know you all are a little curious and also were praying for me during that time.  I have to say, first of all, that this was an amazing time for me as I was able to spend three whole days with God without any external distractions and it was amazing!!!  Each day God was teaching me something new and I was deepening my relationship with him all the while focusing on the importance of Sabbath and how my family and I can maintain a deeper sense of Sabbath in our lives.

I want to share what I learned one day and how God was working on me and I hope that this will serve as an encouragement to you as I know we all face our battles and are often looking for God to speak in our lives.

Whenever I share my testimony (at least the long version), I always talk about how God always needs to “shake me up” to get me to listen; I guess I can be a bit thick-sculled or maybe less observant than others to how the Holy Spirit is speaking to me but that has been the case for me, unfortunately, throughout my life.  This was the case again for me with this Sabbath retreat as it took me flying to the U.S. and being “confined” to a campgrounds on the outskirts of Memphis and being “forced” to spend time with God in order to get me to listen.  Now, a lot of that was tongue in cheek as you know, but anyways, you get the point.  I need to take drastic action to be open enough to listen to God.  I’m admitting a fault here if you haven’t caught on.  It’s good to be able to be aware of your shortcomings and admit them in order to grow in them, especially in your relationship with God.

The first full day of the retreat we started with a group session and when we were finishing the up the session before being sent out to spend time alone with God, the leaders played the song below (or the one playing for you right now) as a way to do final worship before being sent out.  I’ve never heard this song before and it really struck me.  Or better, God really struck me with it.  As soon as the song started and the words “All Will Be Well” started echoing, my mind immediately raced to a thought… a thought that could have only come from God.

Here is what God gave me in that moment.  I realized in that moment right as the song started playing that Ephraim was born on August 26th and August 26th was two weeks earlier than his due date.  The big thing there was that he had to come out THAT day because of medical complications.  If we would have waited any further time than THAT day, his health would have been at risk.  So Ephraim was born on August 26th, much earlier than what we were expecting.  Then I remembered the 26th was an important day for us (don’t ask me why I didn’t think of this before now) because my mom, Ruthie, passed away on January 26th.  Then as I thought about things further and started counting the months, I realized that Ephraim was born exactly 7 months to the day after my mom passed away.  And then I remembered again that he had to come out THAT day, August 26th.  As I pondered things further, I caught on to the fact 7 months was significant because there I was on a Sabbath retreat and focusing on the importance of the Sabbath, which is the 7th day of creation.  The 7th day is the day God created for us, made it Holy in order to rest and spend time with Him.  Then my mind kept racing as I realized that what God was sharing with me and wanting me to realize through all of these thoughts is that I haven’t yet had the time to mourn the loss of my mother and further that this is exactly why Sabbath and rest is so important for me and my family.  If I don’t take time for Sabbath, time to rest and commune with Him, basic things like mourning for the passing of one’s mother, can get over looked.  Incredible!

So, there I was in the middle of this group session taking time to worship and my mind went back to this song playing for us and reverberating… “All Will Be Well.”  The words kept echoing and echoing, so much so that they penetrated my soul.  I burst into tears just thinking about Ruthie and spent the next hour listening to this song on repeat and mourning the loss of my mom.  I miss her so!!!

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How’s it look?

How is the home for at risk children looking? Thank you to all of you who have given to make this construction possible. God bless you! If you’d like to help us finish up the construction this year, visit us at:https://www.santiagopartnership.org/give/

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A Slight Delay


Our patients are trying to get in but they’ll have to wait a little bit longer. We met with the Ministry of Health to allow them to conduct an inspection on the medical clinic in order to receive our final permit to open the clinic. Unfortunately, the inspection didn’t turn out as well as we would have liked. They gave us a long list of changes that they would like us to make before it will be reinspected to hopefully give us our approval. The list includes adding a room to take samples in the lab, adding walls to our waiting area, changing some windows and a long list of smaller items. This means that our opening will have to wait another month but we are confident that that will be it. Your continued prayers are appreciated!

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Sabbath Retreat

Sabbath_RetreatHere is the group photo of the group that I was a part of for my recent Sabbath Retreat.  I have to say that I have been so extremely blessed to be a part of such a wonderful experience and I can’t thank the Sustaining Pastoral Excellence people enough for this opportunity.  The theme and focus for our retreat was, of course, the Sabbath and what that means for us and how to find a deeper sense of Sabbath in our lives and ministry.  I learned so much and was so filled with incredible life-giving experiences of meditation and group study over scripture and the meaning of Sabbath, Spiritual Direction, time in prayer and reflection and time spent in nature.  I feel so refreshed and rededicated myself and my family to a life that is led by Sabbath focus, rather than a work-centered focus.  Please pray for Kim and I that going forward we can make these changes in our lives with our family!  My only regret was that Kim wasn’t able to be with me in such a wonderful, life-giving event but it just was not possible for us at this time.  Thank you for your prayers for me during this time!!!

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Thank you ladies!




A big thank you to Women’s Ministries of First Covenant Church of River Falls, WI for the hand made curtains for the Medical Clinic. As we are about to open the clinic, they come at the perfect timing. Thank you so, so much!

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Successful day for Ephraim

It was a successful day for Ephraim.  Today we were successful in obtaining Ephraim’s Cedula (Ecuadorian Identification Card) and his Ecuadorian passport.  Yeah… Ephraim!!!  Now, onto his U.S. documents and he will be officially a dual-citizen just like his sister.

Cedular_Delp,Ephraim 001

Ecuadorian_Passport_Delp,Ephraim 001


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