Still Growing

This past week, we continued our work toward self-sustainability by planting more crops, including trees around our upper lot to protect the crops from the wind.

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What I would tell my 23 year old self…

I remember right before Joel and I got married, I was 23 and thought, of course, that I knew it all.  During bridal showers and other events leading up to our wedding, there were some people that were pretty negative about marriage.  Comments like, “Oh, that lovey dovey stuff will fade”, “you’ll see, things will be different in a few years,” “romance will fade,” “those things you argue about now…just wait”.  And they went on.  I was pretty shocked about it to be honest.  I was over the moon happy and excited about marriage, why wasn’t everyone else?  Also, seeing that I was as happy as I was, why would people say things like that?  They were totally raining on my parade.  After we heard the amount of comments we did that seemed negative, Joel and I said we wouldn’t be that way.  In 10, 15, 25 50 years, we didn’t want to be negative.  We still wanted to have romance in our marriage, we still wanted to be happy and excited like we were at that moment.

I look back now and although it was probably not done in a good way at all, those people were sharing wisdom.  It sure didn’t seem that way at the time, but I think they were trying to be real and honest and just weren’t sure how to do it.  It’s kind of like when someone tells you when you’re pregnant, “wow, you are really getting big!”  At the heart of the comment they are actually probably trying to give a compliment and just doing a very poor job.  No pregnant woman WANTS to hear she is big just like no soon-to-be bride wants to hear that the romance they have right now is going to fade.  But, being a pregnant woman that felt like a whale all three times, I got bigger and it is safe to say that I am in a different place in my marriage than when I was 23.

SO, what WOULD I tell my 23 year old self?  How would I explain the journey of marriage without raining on the romance parade?

I specifically learned pretty early on that a marriage is not about a wedding.  As much as stores would like you to think that spending $20,000 on the wedding of your dreams is what is going to make a girl happy, they are sorely, SORELY mistaken.  When the food is eaten and the couple says “I DO” and the gifts are unwrapped and the honeymoon is over, life sets in and that $20,000 is money you wish you had back to start a life, invest in pre-marital counseling or other things.  I have told many young brides that although the wedding will likely be amazing, what are you doing to prepare for your MARRIAGE?

I would have tried to tell my 23 year old self that after a period of time, those feelings you had change.  They don’t leave, they change.  It is at that point that you have a choice.  That choice is one that you have every day.  When you argue and fight and struggle and doubt and think “what in the world did I get in to,” those are the moments when you CHOOSE to love your spouse.

It’s not all pretty and perfect and romantic.  I preface this saying that my husband has done an amazing job at keeping the romance alive-flowers for no reason, nights away, love notes, surprises for no reason and on and on.  He knows what makes me happy and what makes me feel loved by him.  That doesn’t mean that it doesn’t get messy.  Arguments, big ones happen.  Sorrow and loss happen.  Loneliness happens…life…HAPPENS.  Our journey as Christians was never promised to be easy and I think that translates to marriage as well.  We were never promised it would be easy, but that is not stuff that is often talked about at bridal showers.  I would tell my 23 year old self that life happens and struggle and pain and sorrow happen.  It’s important to know what you are going to do when it does.  Are you gonna pack up and take off or dig in a stick it out, work through it and be better.

There is not a single person besides God and your spouse that know you better.  It’s easy when you look and feel beautiful at your wedding to be lovable.  But what happens after three kids, late nights or early mornings, when arguments set in that you continue to have over and over.  Your spouse sees you at your worst and you see your spouse that way too.  I am thankful to have a husband that loves me in spite of my worst moments.  He has a choice each day and he chooses me as I choose him.  It’s not always easy.  You are saying YES to something that is completely unknown.

The man who married us, Jim Lo and his wife told us that you have to put your life in this order: God, spouse, family, ministry.  I would have told my 23 year old self to listen to that, believe it and create a life around it.  God has to hold you or the rest of it doesn’t work.  There were times in our marriage when other things got in the way of this order.  This is so very important.

Stay current.  I think this is the modern way of saying “don’t keep a record of wrongs”.  We listened to a cassette tape sermon series and this is one of the main things we took from that series (that we listened to on a VERY long road trip).  There are going to be times that you want to bring up past hurts, arguments and faults.  DON’T!  By staying current and talking through an issue soon after it happens and then letting it go is so much better than not talking about it and bringing it up over and over.  It does NO good and only hurts.  No one wants to continually have those things brought up and hung over their head.  Forgive as God has forgiven you because you have your own list of faults too!

I would tell my 23 year old self that I love my husband more today than I did on our wedding day.  It looks different and FEELS different and it is a different love.  A mature love that grows.

SO, what brought all of this up?  Well, a little less than a month ago, one of my favorite Christian artists came out with a new song.  She hadn’t had a new song for a long time because she got married, took a hiatus and had children.  The song she wrote has her husband singing with her and they wrote it together.  I feel it is such a testament to marriages from our generation and how they need Jesus to hold them.  In the second half of the song, it says:  “We reflect the greater story of the King and His bride, we’re not hidden, but shine brightly bearing witness in the night.”  This hit me so hard, like a ton of bricks and I feel I had never visualized our marriage this way.  I need to.  We do reflect the greater story of our King.  I want to shine brightly even on those dark days and in those dark moments.  Join me!  Let Jesus hold your marriage.

Here is the song in case you want to listen to it.

Whenever, though, they turn to face God as Moses did, God removes the veil and there they are—face-to-face! They suddenly recognize that God is a living, personal presence, not a piece of chiseled stone. And when God is personally present, a living Spirit, that old, constricting legislation is recognized as obsolete. We’re free of it! All of us! Nothing between us and God, our faces shining with the brightness of his face. And so we are transfigured much like the Messiah, our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him.  2 Corinthians 3:18

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Serving Rumipamba

This past week we partnered with the Evangelical Covenant Church of Dassel, MN as well as the Covenant Church of Rumipamba, Ecuador to hold a free Medical Caravan for the community of Rumipamba.  Over 120 patients received a free medical exam as a ministry of the Covenant Church of Ecuador in showing the love of Jesus Christ.

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A Visit from Covenant World Relief

This past week we had a visit from Covenant World Relief, the Relief and Development branch of the Evangelical Covenant Church.  CWR supports a FACE dairy project that is nearby our project in Cayambe, in the Covenant Kichwa communities of Lote 3 and San Antonio de la Pachka.  They also visited our project because even though our project supported by CWR, it is supported by the ECC and ECC missionaries.  I (Joel) also setup a meeting between CWR and the FACE Board of Directors.  It was great having them with us!

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Offices Complete

Offices Complete! Thanks to the work of our partner church, Iglesia Emanuel, the Evangelical Covenant Church of Canada and Church of the Good Shepherd we now have offices for the project as well as for the church and Compassion center. How do you they look?

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Goodbye Ceresco Covenant!

This past week Kim and Joel hosted a Vision Team from one of our supporting churches, Ceresco Covenant Church of Ceresco, NE.  Ceresco Cov has been one of our supporting churches since the beginning of our first term as missionaries in 2010.  We have talked for years about them coming down and those talks have finally formalized into the Vision Team that just left.  A Vision Team is a small group of representatives who come down from a church to investigate, learn, and get to know our ministries and ministry partners so they can take that information back with them to their congregation to see how they can help out in the future.  So, that is what we did this past week.  We made visits to our project in Cayambe, of course, but also to the Covenant Church offices in Quito, to the local church Primavera Alta in Quito as well as the churches and projects in Lote 3 and Lote 4.  In addition to all of these ministries, we also visited several tourist destinations so that they can see what fun opportunities they have with future mission trips.  Thank you Ceresco Covenant for coming to see us!!!

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A Visit from Cayambe’s Mayor

This past Wednesday we had the visit from Cayambe’s mayor, Guillermo Churuchumbi Lechon, to our Home for At Risk Children and the Medical Clinic. This was our initial meeting to see if the the local municipality of Cayambe can partner with us in ministry. Please pray for this possibility.

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Goodbye Jonathan!

We want to celebrate the life of our friend Jonathan Swanson of Duluth, MN who recently passed away and whose memorial contributions have been donated to the Santiago Partnership.  Joel was able to attend Jonathan’s funeral in Duluth while we were in the States recently.

Jonathan was a servant of the Lord, first and foremost, attending seminary with Joel and serving churches in the U.S., Japan and Sweden before coming to Ecuador to further pursue his call to ministry.  He lived with us in Ecuador during the years of 2011 and 2012 before we moved back to the States for Home Assignment.

Jonathan will be remembered for being such a kind and caring man with an amazing gift for connecting with others one-on-one and for his hilariously dry sense of humor.  Jonathan’s cerebral intellect and deep sensitivity provided an incredible ability to see the beauty in things or see God in things where others did not or had not yet seen. Whenever we take new friends on the whale watching tour, because of his observation, we always suggest to others to not try to take pictures or videos of the whale but to rather just take in and enjoy the moment.

He will be missed by so many.  His memorial contribution will continue the work of the Santiago Partnership in serving the less fortunate, as we know he would have wished.  Goodbye Jonathan!  We will miss you so much!_joel-and-henry 13882678_10208807347153986_8947968581291457874_n 13924943_10208807338833778_1588688770706530252_n 13925281_10208784141333855_3035273092450937922_n


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Gracias Rolando!

Yesterday, the Board of FACE (the Development arm of the Evangelical Covenant Church of Ecuador) got together for a day of fellowship and an opportunity to say “GRACIAS!” to our Project Coordinator Rolando Escola.  We were thanking him for his time of service as the president and leader of FACE for almost 5 years as he is now transitioning from that position to be our full-time Project Coordinator on our project.  During his time as president, we have seen FACE make many important changes and improvements, including what we selfishly feel has been the best one in starting our project to open a medical clinic and home for at risk children in Cayambe.  Without Rolando’s sound and visionary leadership, we don’t think this would have been possible.  During our time here in Ecuador, we have seen Rolando as one of the hardest working men we know and so now we are blessed to have him as the full-time leader of our project.  Gracias Rolando!

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Time in the States

We just got back and are still recovering from a whirlwind trip to the States.  To explain, we had planned to go to the States over the Holidays (Christmas and New Year) this year but had discovered over the course of the year that it wasn’t going to work because we will be having a team coming in December.  We still wanted to go sometime this year because we didn’t go over last year’s holidays and we wanted to visit before Ephraim turned two and we had to pay for his ticket.  It’s important for us to be able to spend time with family and friends in the States.  We were able to figure out a three week period in August before Simeon was going to start school again that we could visit so that is what we did.  It was a whirlwind trip as we landed in Chicago, went immediately to Goshen, IN for a week, then spent four days in Dallas with Joel’s older brother, then came back Hartford City, IN to spend time with Kim’s family for a week and then on to Chicago for four days to finish out our time before going back to Ecuador.  During this time, we did visit three of our supporting churches, had a special Delp Dinner Night for supporters as well as visited with many family and friends who support our ministry.  However, other than that, our time was dedicated to being with family and friends.  Unfortunately, we did have some difficult times while there.  Soon after arriving, Joel went up to northern Minnnesota to attend a funeral for a close and long-time friend.  We also had an emergency visit to the hospital after Ephraim fell down a flight of stairs.  Thankfully they were carpeted as he got pretty banged up but was not seriously injured in any way.  Finally, Kim, Joel and Ephraim all had to take shelter in a Walmart when a tornado touched down only several miles away.  Besides these difficult and stressful moments, we had a wonderful time.  Some of the highlights were celebrating Ephraim’s birthday two times (with both families), going to a great Aquarium in Dallas with Joel’s brother Eric’s family and being able to attend and be a part of the final service for our friend Paul Thompson, as he is leaving our home church Northwest Covenant in Mt. Prospect.


Fun times with cousins in Goshen, IN


A visit from friends from our supporting church in Oregon, OH


Fun times with our friends from Ecuador who are now in Chicago. Photo credit to Simeon.


Cousins took Esther and Ephraim to Build-A-Bear.


Lots of traveling made the boys tired.


Ephraim’s first birthday party in Goshen. His nose is the remaining damage from his fall down the stairs.

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Excited kids to have daddy home from the travel to the funeral in Minnesota.


Meeting Pastor Andrew Morrell and seeing his church plant in Marion, IN

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Crazy photos with family in Dallas, TX

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Ephraim’s second birthday party in Hartford City, IN



Good times with family in Hartford City, IN

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Sharing about Ecuador at the Delp Dinner Night



And then being prayed for.


Paul and Mary Thompson sharing during their final service at Northwest Covenant Church in Mt. Prospect, IL

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