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Tagged With: Family Fun

Volunteer Tourist Week

We took two of our summer volunteers on a week adventure to see the beauty of Ecuador.  Here are some pictures from our time:

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Categories: Esther, Family Fun, Ministry, Santo Domingo, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Visas Approved!

Visas_Approved_DelpPRAISE THE LORD!!!  Our resident visas have been approved!  We now have residential status in Ecuador and we will not have to renew our Visas again unless we are out of the country for an extended period of time.  And …

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Esther Turns 1!

Happy Birthday to Esther as she just turned 1 year old!  She is growing up so quickly as she is getting her teeth in now, getting close to walking and seems to be doing something new ever day.  Happy Birthday …

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Simeon graduates from preschool!

Yesterday, Simeon graduated from preschool with a big day in the park.  It was a fun day in which each child received an “award” for their greatest strength.  Joel’s dreams and hopes for the future are coming true with Simeon’s …

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In His Hands

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I would like to ask you to close your eyes and imagine…however, I am acutely aware that if you do this, you won’t be able to read anymore.  So, I guess imagine this story in your mind as I explain …

Categories: Anger, Esther, Family Fun, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Uncategorized, Updates | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

A Wonderful Celebration!

Yesterday, we participated in a Parade and Rally called “How Great and Powerful is our God” of all of the Evangelical Churches of the greater Cayambe area. All of the Covenant churches in the area were represented and it was

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Ministry, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Easter from Quito!!

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Categories: Esther, Family Fun, Reflections, Simeon, Updates | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

Big News for September of this year


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Happy Birthday Simeon!!!

Simeon’s 5th birthday was this past Thursday and we celebrated it with a birthday party this past Saturday.  It was a lot of fun!!!

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What a blessing!

Many of you who have been following us for a while will remember our good friends Ruben and Amparo Rocha at the Covenant Campgrounds in Santo Domingo.  You’ll remember that the campgrounds have many needs.  One of these was the …

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