This week we say “see you later” to our friend and co-laborer in ministry here in Ecuador with the Santiago Partnership, Annalea Egging. I (Kim) went to North Park University with her although we were in a different class. Who would have thought then that we would be working together, ministering together and serving together in Ecuador. It was a few years ago now when through a series of events, prayer and contemplation that she sent an email to medical missionaries in the Covenant church serving around the world. We invited her to come to Ecuador and check it out and she was a here for our first ever team with the Santiago Partnership. She was here with me in one of my most difficult days ever in ministry when I cried with her (I was also like 11 months pregnant at the time). After those few days we asked her if she wanted to come and work with the Santiago Partnership here. I said if we can get through that, we can probably work through anything! And she came back! Annalea never says no to a challenge, in fact, she rises to them. She’s the one you want with you in the midst of chaos and stress. She is someone you want in the kitchen to help you learn to make bread or can salsa. She is the one you want with you driving long distances and even getting lost. Making cookies with your kids or planning teams. She is who you want with you when the car breaks down or you have a bad day because she will already be researching how to get out of the situation and make it better. She is who you want with you to help develop and create a new program through the clinic and get it off the ground which she has done with our caravans. She has truly been the hands of feet of Jesus these past 3 years. Not just to our project and the Santiago Partnership, but to our family. She has loved our kids and encouraged them and us.
We know this is only “see you later” although sometimes that doesn’t always make it easier. We will miss you Annalea!
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
~Isaiah 52:7