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Inauguration of the Home for At Risk Children

Posted by on May 7, 2017

On Saturday, April 29th the Home for At Risk Children in Cayambe, Ecuador was inaugurated!  We plan to have the people working in the Home start on May 15th and the Home be open to receive children on May 22nd. These are pictures from Saturday of the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and the Prayer of Dedication for the Home.  Our ceremony started by forming a parade to reenact a traditional Kichwa House Warming Ceremony called “Huasipichai” where the house is “cleansed” before people move in. We began our parade with balloons, the house cleaners, dancers and a folkloric band as we walked from the Medical Clinic all the way up to the Home for At Risk Children (about a half a mile). Once we arrived, the house was cleansed and we started the Inauguration with more music.  We took time during our ceremony to say a special word of thanks to Erik and Kristina Amundsen as they were completing their missionary service and have help us a ton in the area of agriculture.  Many people came from all over from different parts of Ecuador as well as from the United States and Sweden to be a part of Saturday’s activities. After our delicious meal of roasted pork and the fixings, our day was completed by a full setup of cake and cupcakes prepared by our missionary friends.

Saturday was a great party! We were celebrating the fact that the Home for At Risk Children is now FINALLY opening! After years of blood, sweat and tears building the home physically, structurally, emotionally and legally, we are finally opening! Praise the Lord!  We now have our permit and are planning on opening on the 15th of May, God willing!  Thank you to so many of you who have been so loyal in your support.  It is because of you and God’s help that we have arrived at this celebration.  The Santiago Partnership will be a bit financially strapped in order operate both the Home and the Medical Clinic as our funds have dropped in the process of getting the Home open. If you would like to provide a financial gift to congratulate everyone on their hard work in order to get to this point, please click this link and don’t forget to put “Home for At Risk Children” where it says to “Add a Personal Message.”

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