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Goodbye Jonathan!

Posted by on September 18, 2016

We want to celebrate the life of our friend Jonathan Swanson of Duluth, MN who recently passed away and whose memorial contributions have been donated to the Santiago Partnership.  Joel was able to attend Jonathan’s funeral in Duluth while we were in the States recently.

Jonathan was a servant of the Lord, first and foremost, attending seminary with Joel and serving churches in the U.S., Japan and Sweden before coming to Ecuador to further pursue his call to ministry.  He lived with us in Ecuador during the years of 2011 and 2012 before we moved back to the States for Home Assignment.

Jonathan will be remembered for being such a kind and caring man with an amazing gift for connecting with others one-on-one and for his hilariously dry sense of humor.  Jonathan’s cerebral intellect and deep sensitivity provided an incredible ability to see the beauty in things or see God in things where others did not or had not yet seen. Whenever we take new friends on the whale watching tour, because of his observation, we always suggest to others to not try to take pictures or videos of the whale but to rather just take in and enjoy the moment.

He will be missed by so many.  His memorial contribution will continue the work of the Santiago Partnership in serving the less fortunate, as we know he would have wished.  Goodbye Jonathan!  We will miss you so much!_joel-and-henry 13882678_10208807347153986_8947968581291457874_n 13924943_10208807338833778_1588688770706530252_n 13925281_10208784141333855_3035273092450937922_n


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