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International Leadership Summit

Posted by on August 31, 2014

We had the opportunity to attend an International Leadership Summit hosted by IPEE at our very own Covenant Campgrounds in Santo Domingo.  This was a wonderful event with international speakers and participants all centered around the idea of sharing God’s word in a fresh and a new way and developing leaders in your church to promote church growth, church plants and church revitalization.  Participants and speakers came from all around Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Honduras,  Guatemala and the United States.  The leadership of the Covenant has recently set a goal of planting 50 new churches in the next 5 years.  We were very inspired by the event and are feeling like maybe we should be a part of planting a new Covenant church…


Dave Olson from the Covenant in the U.S. was one of the featured speakers


Small group discussion


The service of reconciliation


This was a big event in a wonderful newly completed main pavilion at the camp in Santo Domingo


A pastor from Honduras and one from Peru sharing about how their churches have recently seen increased growth


A picture of the newly completed, beautiful main pavilion

A picture of the newly completed, beautiful main pavilion


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