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In the Home Stretch!!!!

Posted by on May 14, 2010

We are in the home stretch of our preparations for heading to Ecuador!  We have purchased our tickets and we fly out on June 26th. 

We have just sent out our final pre-departure newsletter update.  You can view it here: Spring_2010

There is much that must be accomplished before we can head down on June 26th.  Here is everything that must get done, so please pray!!!

– We have 90% prayer support in – If you are interested in praying for us while we are in Ecuador, please email and let us know

– We are at 87% of our financial support.  Still just a little ways off.  
You` can now donate online.  Here is the link:

Also, if you have pledged support in the past, but haven’t set up a recurring gift, you can use that link to set it up.

We also need these things to happen:

– Receive Simeon’s passport from the U.S. Government

– Receive our letter from the Ecuadorian National Church granting us permission to come to Ecuador under their supervision (for the visas)

– Get our Visas from the Ecuadorian Embassy in Chicago

– Attend Covenant Short-Term Missionary training event in Chicago: June 3rd  – 12th

– Visit two Covenant churches in Nebraska & Iowa: June 15th – 18th

– Sell all of our life possessions in our Yard Sale: June 20th – 21st

Then we fly out on American Airlines in the morning on June 26th!!!

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