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We received the wonderful news today that our Medical Clinic in Cayambe, Ecuador has been approved for service by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Health!  As many of you know as you have been following along and praying for this approval,

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Party in the Park

Party_in_the_arkYesterday, we had a special get together in the park with all of the missionaries in Quito as well as many pastors from the Quito area.  The idea was to just have fun together and relax, not spend so much

Categories: Family Fun, Ministry, Prayer, Reflections, Updates | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

See the new kitchen!

Thanks to the team from Northwest Covenant Church and our Ecuadorian partners, we made incredible progress on the home for at-risk kids this week – tiling, skim coating, sanding, painting, digging, hauling, installing cabinets and appliances, and more – and

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Construction, Home, Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

South American Missionary Retreat

This past week we had the pleasure of hosting all of the missionaries from South America (Colombia and Ecuador) as well as many folks from Chicago for a Missionary Retreat.  It was a wonderful time of connecting, sharing, praying, and

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Ministry, Prayer, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

All be well!

51uicZ7+v2L._SS280You may want to click play on the song at the bottom of this post so as to let the music play as you are reading.

I (Joel) wanted to share a little bit from how God spoke to me

Categories: Ministry, Prayer, Reflections | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments

How’s it look?

How is the home for at risk children looking? Thank you to all of you who have given to make this construction possible. God bless you! If you’d like to help us finish up the construction this year, visit us

Categories: 501c3, Construction, Home, Ministry, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Slight Delay


Our patients are trying to get in but they’ll have to wait a little bit longer. We met with the Ministry of Health to allow them to conduct an inspection on the medical clinic in order to receive our final

Categories: 501c3, Anger, Cayambe, Clinic, Ministry, Prayer Requests, Updates | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sabbath Retreat

Sabbath_RetreatHere is the group photo of the group that I was a part of for my recent Sabbath Retreat.  I have to say that I have been so extremely blessed to be a part of such a wonderful experience and

Categories: Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sabbath Retreat

sab-rst  On Friday Joel will be leaving for a Sabbath Retreat so he can continue on his goal to reduce the stress and overall workload in his life.  You can read about when he last talked about this and his beard

Categories: Ministry, Prayer, Prayer Requests, Reflections, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Minga, minga, minga!

We love whom we serve alongside! Yesterday, we held a minga (community volunteerism event) with the churches from the Kichwa Conference and the Central Conference (Quito area) of Covenant churches and over 30 good folks came out to help plant

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Construction, Home, Ministry, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment