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Family Fun

Trip to the Beach

We will be heading to the States on August 7th for about 3 weeks to spend some time there since we will not be able to travel over the holidays this year.  We hope to be able to see many

Categories: Ephraim, Esther, Family Fun, Simeon, Travel | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

Simeon graduates from Kindergarten

Simeon’s Kindergarten graduation. Congrats Simeon!!!


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Esther Turns 2!

 On Sunday June 5th, Esther turned 2!  We had a great party over our friends’ house Erik and Kristina Amundsen.  Esther’s Godparents, Henry and Olguita Burbano, were there to pray for her and celebrate in the festivities as well as

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Ephraim’s Dedication

Ephraim was dedicated to God at Iglesia Emanuel in Juan Montalvo this past Sunday. His God parents are Rolando and Diana Escola.


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Categories: Cayambe, Ephraim, Esther, Family Fun, Prayer Requests, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Easter Celebrations

He is risen!  He is risen indeed!!!

Happy Easter everyone!  Sorry we are few days late in sharing this post but we wanted to share some pictures from Easter.  We were able to celebrate with friends.  Enjoy the pics!

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Simeon turns 6!!!

Last week, we got to celebrate Simeon as he turned 6!  The festivities started by taking Simeon to a water park with his friends and then concluded with a party back at our apartment, which included a “surprise” egg hunt

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Celebrating Kim

This past Thursday Kim turned 37.  We had fun celebrating her and her birthday.  She started off the day with breakfast in bed, included her favorite German Chocolate Cake and then the festivities ended with a date night for Joel

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Puzzle Therapy

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As the holiday season comes to a close, I wanted to reflect on a holiday tradition that I enjoy and provide a little insight as to why this tradition is special to me.  My (Joel’s) family has always enjoyed fixing

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Party in the Park

Party_in_the_arkYesterday, we had a special get together in the park with all of the missionaries in Quito as well as many pastors from the Quito area.  The idea was to just have fun together and relax, not spend so much

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Que Viva la Quinceanera!!!

This past weekend we had the pleasure of attending our first Quinceanera!  A Quinceanera is when an Ecuadorian girl turns 15 (15 is “quince” in Spanish).  We went to the Quincenera birthday party for our friend Naomi, who is the

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