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Family Fun

Heading to the USA on June 19th

These classy folks are heading to the United States on June 19th to begin their 1-Year Ministry Assignment.  Prayers appreciated!

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Happy 22nd Anniversary to Kim and Joel!

We were able to celebrate 22 years of marriage this past weekend!  Friends helped us by watching our kiddos while we celebrated at a place that has been on Kim’s bucket list all of these years.  It was beautiful and

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New Community in Ecuador

We had a beautiful and life-giving week with our supporting church from New Community Bronzeville, lovingly known here as “Tio Pete’s team” (if you want to know the story, we can catch you up later!).  We also had volunteers

Categories: 501c3, Cayambe, Clinic, Construction, Ephraim, Esther, Family Fun, Ministry, Simeon, Travel, Updates | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Delp Family Ecuador Bucket List

Over the years, we, the Delp Family, have created a Delp Family Ecuador Bucket List.  A list of things that we want to make sure we accomplish here in Ecuador.  This has been a significant list as there are so …

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Vacay for the Delps

In August, we were able to take a family vacation to the U.S.  We spent time in Texas, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, doing some of our favorite things, eating fav foods and visiting friends and family.  On the way, we …

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Sweet Together Times

Last week we all had the opportunity to go to Cancun, Mexico for our Latin American Retreat.  It was such a lovely time to be together with all of the missionaries from Latin America who serve together with Serve Globally.  …

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Happy New Year from the Delps!

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Christmas family festivities!

We have had a very fun-filled Christmas break celebrating many family activities which has included a lot of Christmas cookie baking and playing soccer and fixing puzzles.  Joel’s dad, Earl, came down to Ecuador to be with us for the

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Celebrating Christmas in Cayambe!

Yesterday, we celebrated the staff in Cayambe and the children in the Home for At Risk Children with a Christmas dinner.  It was a beautiful night filled with delicious food, small performances put on by the kids in the Home,

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We had a fun Thanksgiving this year as we invited a lot of our friends over, twenty-two to be exact.  People got to experience a lot of delicious American dishes and then we played cards afterwards.  When we aren’t able

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