Posts Tagged ‘Women’

Former Sex Workers Help Liberate Others

Post a Comment » Written on November 6th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development
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The Hindustani Covenant Church (HCC) has been ministering to vulnerable women in the red light area for over a decade. Since 2006 more than 63 girls have escaped from the sex trade with the help of HCC and Covenant Social …

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Unveil Yourselves, Women of Africa: A Call for Peace

Post a Comment » Written on October 28th, 2013     
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West Pokot, Kenya (smaller, just Kenya)In West Pokot, Kenya, Philipine (Pini) Chepkoech Kidulah and her support staff at Jitokeze Wamama Wafrika are bringing a new element of transformation to the communities through addressing conflict between the Pokot and Turkana people. Jitokeze Wamama Wafrika (Swahili for: …

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Escaping Human Trafficking

3 comments Written on September 25th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development
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escaping human traffickingGangubai Shinde comes from a middle-class family. When she was fifteen, her parents forced her to marry a man twice her age. Her husband accused her of being unfaithful, and he began beating her. Although Gangubai realized that she was …

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‘Kenya Women Building Sustainable Communities’

Post a Comment » Written on September 9th, 2013     
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Regina left home after 6th grade. Her father was planning to marry her off to an elderly man, without Regina’s consent. The dowry her father would have received amounted to several heads of cattle, the price for a child bride. …

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Community Banks in Mexico Empower Women Business Owners

Post a Comment » Written on July 31st, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development
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Rojas de Cuauhtemoc Community women Mexico FDFHow do you start a business from little to no resources? Who will invest in the lives of those without enough credit to apply for a loan? Our partner in Mexico is working with women who may have started from …

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