Posts Tagged ‘Women’

Updates from India

Post a Comment » Written on October 31st, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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Below are testimonies and updates from our three projects in India in partnership with the Hindustani Covenant Church: 

Testimony from Kashmir

Mukhtar Ahmad Bhatt is a boy of 11 years living in Naroo.  The village where he lives is a …

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Creative Chick Brooders in Kenya

Post a Comment » Written on October 29th, 2012     
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By Pete & Cindy Ekstrand, Covenant missionaries to the Democratic Republic of Congo, about CWR’s project with Jitokeze.

We saw a creative chick brooder when we visited JITOKEZE, a women’s empowerment initiative partially supported by Covenant World Relief. …

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Sexual Violence Targeting Children in the DR Congo

Post a Comment » Written on October 15th, 2012     
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The Democratic Republic of Congo is the neediest country in the entire world. The Congolese people face so many issues, including extreme poverty, malnutrition, and armed conflict, to name just a few. However, there is another devastating issue that many …

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Independence for Women

Post a Comment » Written on September 7th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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What does it mean to be independent and have power for oneself?  How are these things obtained?  For the women involved in the Hope for Widows project in South Sudan, independence is being gained through vocational and financial training.  This …

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Changing women’s lives through healthcare

Post a Comment » Written on August 16th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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Unfortunately, not all have equal access to the benefits of good prenatal and postpartum care.  For many women in the DR Congo, this has created significant life challenges.  Many women are ostracized, abandoned, or left with emotional trauma due to …

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