Posts Tagged ‘Women’

India: Stories of Transformation, Part 1

Post a Comment » Written on March 27th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development
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It is amazing to see the different ways that our micro-finance project in India (in partnership with India for Christ Ministries) has transformed the lives of many people. Below is part 1 of a 2 part series of stories of …

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Where in the World is Dave?

Post a Comment » Written on March 15th, 2013     
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Partners in Transformation” is the new CWR tagline. CWR is blessed with phenomenal partners God is using to bring about the transformation of individuals, families, and communities. In order to strengthen and deepen these partnerships and to monitor …

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Mrs. Gwala’s Story

Post a Comment » Written on March 6th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development
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Mrs. Octavie Gwala is 55 years old. She tells of a very challenging upbringing, because her family did not have the means to send her to school. So she quickly stopped dreaming of a better future – and of becoming …

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A Personal Reflection on Visiting India

1 Comment » Written on February 15th, 2013     
Filed under: Community Development
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A number of CWR-connected people recently took a trip to India to visit CWR projects. Below are reflections about the trip from Thomas Robinson, a member of the Covenant Executive Board and on the Compassion, Mercy, and Justice committee. 


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Hearing their stories

Post a Comment » Written on December 6th, 2012     
Filed under: Community Development
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Stories are the creative conversion of life itself into a more powerful, clearer, more meaningful experience. They are the currency of human contact. — Robert McKee

We all have a story to tell.  Our experiences have shaped who we are …

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