Around the world, there are people who wake up every morning and spend hours traveling from a water source back to their homes, carrying with them enough water for just that one day. They get up the next morning and …
Posts Tagged ‘Kenya’
Unveil Yourselves, Women of Africa: A Call for Peace
Filed under: Community Development
Tags: Kenya, Women
In West Pokot, Kenya, Philipine (Pini) Chepkoech Kidulah and her support staff at Jitokeze Wamama Wafrika are bringing a new element of transformation to the communities through addressing conflict between the Pokot and Turkana people. Jitokeze Wamama Wafrika (Swahili for: …
Kenya Education Update-Grace’s Story
Filed under: Community Development
Tags: Congo, Education, Kenya
It is wonderful to hear about ongoing projects and the communities that our partners are working with, but we also rejoice in hearing about the lasting effects of completed projects. The Kitengela Covenant Church opened its doors many years ago …
‘Kenya Women Building Sustainable Communities’
Filed under: Community Development
Tags: Kenya, Women
Regina left home after 6th grade. Her father was planning to marry her off to an elderly man, without Regina’s consent. The dowry her father would have received amounted to several heads of cattle, the price for a child bride. …
Relief for Kenya Flooding
Several hundred families are looking for relief from flooding in Kenya. Funding from Covenant World Relief helped provide food (maize and beans), mosquito nets, and vehicles for transport of people and goods (two trucks and one car). Kitengela church members …