Part of effecting truly sustainable community development is the commitment of the local communities to the project. Without this, a community-development project looks like any other charity and may not be well received by the local community. Without investment in …
Posts Tagged ‘Kenya’
Sustainable Development
Filed under: Community Development
Tags: Agriculture, Kenya
Fleeing for Safety in Kenya
Filed under: Community Development
Tags: Congo, Education, Kenya, Refugee
Men and Women like Gad Nkera have fled the Congo due to instability and civil war which has rocked the country for the past several years. Many have ended up in Kenya without family or friends and without any idea …
Connection Between Development and Emergency Relief
Filed under: Disaster Relief
Tags: Congo, Kenya, Refugee
I have worked with refugees in the United States and therefore realize how hard it is for refugees to become a part of the new community they flee to. It takes a long time for the “host community” to turn …
Water for Life in Kenya
Imagine what you can do when you no longer have to worry about where your water comes from? Hopefully that will be the next thought for many in Kitengela, Kenya. Safe drinking water is a rare commodity in Kenya. It …
Success Story from Kenya!
Filed under: Community Development
Tags: Congo, Education, Kenya, Refugee
Forced to leave war torn Congo, Florence Benza and her family journeyed to Kenya. There, they found the Kitengela Covenant Church and Florence began to take classes through a program supported by Covenant World Relief for Congolese refugees. She …