Posts Tagged ‘India’

International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day–a day set aside to celebrate women, but to also be mindful of the unique needs of women around the world.  This year is the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day and a day to …

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CWR Value in Focus: Root causes are addressed, not just symptoms

Post a Comment » Written on March 7th, 2011     
Filed under: Community Development

It is obvious as one gets to know Truthseekers International in India that they are very focussed on justice, but how does an organization or a project go about bringing justice? Our current project in partnership with Truthseekers focuses on …

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Photo Update–Nutrition Project in India

1 Comment » Written on February 23rd, 2011     
Filed under: Community Development

In partnership with Truthseekers International, CWR has partnered to provide nutritious snacks to several small schools in India. Though this project seems simple, it has many great benefits: children are given a nutritious snack (milk, hard-boiled egg, fresh fruit) that …

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Human Trafficking Awareness Day–January 11

Post a Comment » Written on January 11th, 2011     
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I am so thankful to be a part of a church that is largely aware of human trafficking and doing some very amazing work to not only serve the victims of human trafficking, but to address the larger justice issues …

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To the Least of These

Post a Comment » Written on January 4th, 2011     
Filed under: Community Development

My understanding of what these words mean has been greatly enhanced due to my experience with members of the Covenant World Relief Commission as we traveled to India this past July.  One of my most poignant memories was our visit …

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