Community Development

Cameroon Chickens and Goats Enters Next Phase

Post a Comment » Written on October 8th, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development
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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe second phase of the “Passing on the Gift” project has officially begun in Belo, Cameroon! The first phase consisted of launching four sustainable chicken brooding farms, in which over 2500 chickens were brooded and then passed on to others …

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A change in plans in Thailand

1 Comment » Written on September 29th, 2014     
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20130911_103157 (2)The city of Ranote in southern Thailand has experienced a season of considerable rain, flooding, and mudslides.  This city is the location of a CWR project with the Sustainable Development Research Foundation (SDRF). Thankfully, SDRF recently finished a joint project …

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Preventing Childhood Sexual Abuse in Mexico

Post a Comment » Written on September 8th, 2014     
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Prevention of childhood sexual abuse TequixquiacThrough the Human Trafficking project in Mexico, several workshops have been held in local Covenant churches to help prevent childhood sexual abuse. The projects have been well received and there has been interest to begin the conferences in local schools. …

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Sustainable Development

Post a Comment » Written on September 1st, 2014     
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P1280397Part of effecting truly sustainable community development is the commitment of the local communities to the project. Without this, a community-development project looks like any other charity and may not be well received by the local community. Without investment in …

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Bringing Transformation in Bihar

Post a Comment » Written on August 25th, 2014     
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Bihar womenCovenant Social Services, working in the Bihar region of India, is seeking to be part of long lasting development in multiple aspects of the local communities. This is done through a variety of ways such as providing micro-loans, education, …

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