Community Development

Coming Together as a Group in Kenya

Post a Comment » Written on October 27th, 2014     
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In the United States we are still striving towards equality among genders, specifically equality for women.  Though we are not yet as progressive, so to speak, in this as some countries around the world, women in the US have significantly …

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Young Community Developers

Post a Comment » Written on October 22nd, 2014     
Filed under: Community Development

DSC00520“Incredible young people!” This was the sentiment of the CWR team that recently visited the Family Development Foundation (FDF) in Monterrey, Mexico. During a meeting with some of the leaders, Ed Delgado, president of CHET (training center for Hispanic church

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Thanks from South Sudan

Post a Comment » Written on October 20th, 2014     
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Below is a note of gratitude sent from Matthew, the project coordinator for the Vulnerable and Orphaned Children (VOC) project in South Sudan.

“We are very grateful to work in partnership with CWR while serving the poor and the marginalized …

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From Death to New Life

Post a Comment » Written on October 15th, 2014     
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WirotWirote’s mother had begun preparing for his death, which seemed imminent. His funeral photograph had been taken and framed. Wirote was succumbing to AIDS. But in his weakened and seemingly hopeless state, he began to receive care from the Center …

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Experiencing Life in Oaxaca, Mexico

Post a Comment » Written on October 13th, 2014     
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Image 1Fuentes Libres is a Covenant ministry in Mexico that focuses on economic development in vulnerable communities. As a result of this ministry, hundreds of economically needy women and their families have been empowered and assisted. This ministry has 35 community …

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