Stories of Hope from Kenya

1 Comment » Written on January 20th, 2011     
Filed under: Community Development

David’s Story

David Mutabazi, 16 years old

My name is David Mutabazi. I am 16 years old and I came to Kenya with my uncle as a refugee from Congo. My father died in the war and I do not know whether my mother and siblings are alive or dead. I joined the Kitengela Covenant Church in Kenya. The church has helped me by paying the tuition for me to complete secondary school. Thank you Covenant World Relief.

My dream is to complete school and help other people who are suffering the same way that I’m being helped. May God bless those who helped me.

Jacqueline’s Story

Jacqueline at knitting machine

My name is Jacqueline Nyamahirwe. I arrived in Kenya in February 2009 as a refugee from Congo. My husband Gatore and I have six children. Initially life here was very hard, but the Kitengela Covenant Church has helped me find life and hope again. They paid my tuition for a class where I learned to knit with a knitting machine. When I finished the class they gave me a loan to buy a knitting machine.

Our life is much better now that I am able to earn some money for my family by selling what I have made. At church I lead the women’s choir. I am encouraged by Romans 8:18 which says that ”I consider the present suffering to be nothing compared with the future glory that will be revealed to us.”

Pastor Jonas’ Story

Pastor Jonas

I am Pastor Jonas. I can now smile again. Three of my children died in the war in Congo. I have no idea where two others are. I live here in Kenya with my grandchildren who are all refugees. God has revealed himself to me and my grandchildren through Kitengela Covenant Church. Members of the church taught my grandchildren English and through a Covenant World Relief project are paying for them to go to school. May God bless all those who made this possible.


These three stories are from the CWR project in Kenya that serves Congolese refugees. You can read more about the project here. These stories originally appeared on the Ekstrand’s blog here. The Ekstrands are Covenant Missionaries in Congo and coordinators for Covenant World Mission in Kenya and Sudan.

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One Response to “Stories of Hope from Kenya”

I am grateful for the support I had received from Covenant World Relief. Now I can look back and say thank you because my life has changed!!

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