Why are you doing this?

Start_With_WhyLately I’ve been thinking a lot about a question that I’m guessing many will ask me once I start telling people I’m quitting my job and moving to Japan.  Why are you leaving your home country with your maternal language, …

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Midwinter, Covenant History and Sermon

Midwinter-edited-249x300A few months ago I went to Denver to take a course called “Covenant History” as part of my preparation for our mission in Japan. As we studied Covenant History we wrote papers and answered questions regarding the same subject.…

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Muito próximos de partir…

11006381_10153209422763825_1687240097831169026_nEstamos na iminência de receber os nossos vistos para partir. Estamos extremamente agradecidos por tudo o que tem acontecido nas nossas vidas e família. Antes de mais nada, a nossa gratidão é pela vida. A nossa gratidão é por ter …

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Time for Book Reviews!

Time for Book Reviews

I’ve started and/or finished a lot of books recently.  Here are some thoughts on some of them:

51fRar1PvAL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The Giver – This was made into a movie, but I don’t tend to go to movies that are …

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Mar/2015 – Projeto Japão – Apressa-te, apressa-te! Não! Por favor, espere…

Salmo 90: 4
Pois mil anos, aos teus olhos, são como o dia de ontem que se foi e como a vigília da noite.

Alguns grupos que trabalham com o programa 12 passos (programa de recuperação e photo-31ajuda contínua a …

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March 2015 – Project Japan – Hurry, hurry! Wait…‏

Psalm 90:4
A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

Some twelve step recovery groups give out medallions that look like poker chips for photo-31when people …

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Face to Face with Henri Nouwen and Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Wounded-HealerI have stopped by two of the most well known books: The Wounded Healer by Henri Nouwen and The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

The first author, Henri Nouwen, has a very poetic approach and challenges you to see

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O começo do fim, e o fim do começo

goodbyeFoi quando eu deixei o Brasil pela primeira vez que esta frase surgiu e nasceu no meu coração.

Naquela ocasião eu a mencionei para uma amiga que participava de todo este meu processo de partir e iniciar uma nova fase, …

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Mission Friends making History in 2015! Project Japan‏

Psalm 119:63

I am a companion of all who fear you, of those who keep your precepts.

Let’s talk history for a moment: Fabio just completed a week-long 10959825_10153147367008825_2961693428021497009_nintensive in Denver for part of his Covenant History class.  He is

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“Mission Friends” fazendo História em 2015! Projeto Japão‏

Salmo 119: 63

Companheiro sou de todos os que te temem e dos que guardam os teus 10959825_10153147367008825_2961693428021497009_npreceitos.

Vamos falar sobre História por um momento: Fabio acabou de voltar de uma semana muito intensa em Denver, Colorado. Parte desta intensidade

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