Brazilians and Latinos in Japan?

brasil e japanJohnna and I tell people about the project in Japan.  We say that we’re going to work with Brazilians, Latinos and other internationals.

Response: (Surprised looks and questions.)

“I didn’t know there were so many Brazilians in Japan! What is …

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Qual é a conexão entre brasileiros e japoneses?

brasil e japan(Olhar surpreso e perguntas…)

“Eu não sabia que havia tantos brasileiros no Japão! Porque existe esta conexão entre Brasil e Japão?”

Estes são alguns dos comentários e algumas das perguntas que normalmente ouvimos quando falamos que iremos ao Japão trabalhar …

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Mestres do futuro e guardiões do passado

[youtube id=”wKWXcOGKqW0″ w=”350″ h=”215″]

Japão – terra que abraça o antigo e o moderno, faz pontes entre a arte tradicional e o mundo fashion da moda, viaja através da disciplina, cultura das gueixas até chegar na robótica fascinante do mundo …

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City of Tranquil Light – by Bo Caldwell

city of light

City of Tranquil Light – by Bo Caldwell

I recently finished one of the only books I’ve read since Sophia was born.  It’s a story about young missionaries who go to China, fall in love, get married, and serve there …

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Masters of the future and guardians of the past (English language with Portuguese subtitles)

[youtube id=”wKWXcOGKqW0″ w=”350″ h=”215″]

Japan – a land that embraces the ancient and modern, makes bridges between traditional art and the fashion world, admires the discipline and culture of the geisha and participates in the fascinating world of technology and …

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Talmidim – by Ed René Kivitz

talmidimTalmidim – by Ed René Kivitz

In Galilee, in the time of Jesus, Jewish boys began their studies of the Torah when they were 6-years-old. At age 10 , when they completed the first stage of their education, Bei Sefer

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January 19, 2014 Prayer Update


– Underground Church has committed to partner with us financially!

– We paid off Johnna’s educational loans from 1999 and 2006!

– Project Japan was published in La Gaceta, December 27, 2014 issue.

– A chaplain we contacted realized …

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year / Feliz Natal e Feliz Ano Novo 2013-2014

[youtube id=”2k-_cl55m6w” w=”350″ h=”215″]

We wish you all a Happy New Year!

We posted this video on Facebook on Dec. 25th to wish all of our friends and family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May God be …

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La Gaceta – entrevista

La Gaceta – entrevista

No mês passado, nós fomos entrevistados por Manuela Ball-Camurdan, uma das editoras do jornal, La Gaceta. Em 2012, La Gaceta completou 90 anos, tornando-se o jornal familiar mais antigo dos Estados Unidos com foco nos segmentos …

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La Gaceta – interview

Last month we were interviewed by Manuela Ball-Camurdan, one of the writers and editors of the newspaper, La Gaceta.  In 2012, La Gaceta turned 90 years, making it the oldest family-owned, minority-owned and minority-targeted newspaper in the United States according …

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