Believe it or not …

japan_childBelieve it or not …

Our experience continues…. as we travel, presenting Project Japan to many people in the United States, the expression of surprise is huge whenever we talk about the connection between Japanese and Brazilians.

Last month my …

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Bom papo, música e muita informalidade

brasil1Na semana passada convidamos os nossos queridos amigos da igreja batista Brasileira de Tampa, os nossos amigos de St Petersburg Underground (pequeno grupo que brasil2participamos aos domingos) e os nossos amigos que se reúnem em casa uma vez por mês …

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Acreditem ou não…

japan_childAcreditem ou não…

A nossa experiência continua sendo a mesma. De modo que enquanto seguimos viajando, apresentando o Projeto Japão para muita gente nos Estados Unidos, a expressão de surpresa de cada um é enorme quando falamos da conexão de …

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What do the following books have in common?

Question: What do the following books have in common?
Too Late the Phalarope
Kisses from Katie
The Power of a Praying Parent

Answer: They are all being used to rock my world!
I don’t know what changed, but I suddenly …

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Boston and New Hampshire

IMG_1383Our trip to Boston and New Hampshire was very meaningful. First of all, we stayed with Johnna’s cousin, Matthew and his wife, Rebecca.  They were recently married and we had never met Rebecca, Fabio had never met Matthew, and they …

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49ª. Conferência de Missões, International Falls & Boston

IMG_1426Tem sido uma alegria e um desafio enorme esta transição. Apresentação do projeto Japão, visita as igrejas, cafés com pastores e amigos, responder aqueles que tem inúmeras perguntas sobre as conexões entre latinos, brasileiros e japoneses, os nossos trabalhos regulares, …

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49th Annual Missions Conference – International Falls, MN

49th Annual Missions Conference – International Falls, MN


We had the privilege to participate in the 49th Annual Missions Conference of the International Falls Covenant Church last week. International Falls  is a city in the county seat of Koochiching County, …

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Suffering Still Widespread Three Years after Tsunami

OFUNATO, JAPAN (March 10, 2014) — Lack of housing, loneliness, and despair continue to be major concerns for Japan three years after an earthquake and resulting tsunami killed 19,000 people, say leaders of the Japan Covenant Church and Covenant missionary

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Há momentos que na vida pensamos em olhar atrás…

Há momentos que, na vida, pensamos em olhar atrás,
É preciso pedir ajuda para poder continuar.
E clamamos o nome de Jesus
E clamamos o nome, o nome de Jesus,
Ele nos ajuda a carregar a cruz.

Silas Furtado, Kadoshi

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Questions from a 5th and 6th grade Sunday School class

Where were you born?

Fabio – Sao Paulo, Brazil (the business capital of Brazil; the official capital is Brasilia)

Johnna – Arlington Heights, IL (near Chicago)

What did you dream of being when you were a kid?

Johnna – a …

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